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Hey guys!

Here's a rundown of what I've been up to these past few days!


---Syrl growth animation commission

To start off, I've been putting most of my recent time into working on the Syrl growth animation. Most of the efforts for this project have so far been put into the environment, Syrl's character model, and the audio!

His model was pretty much finished but I had to remake it due to weird mesh issues when growing him bigger, I'll post some images of him on my next post in a few days which should also have WIP animation images involving this character too!

You can find more WIP images for this animation on older posts!

The overall plot of this animation revolves around a character called Syrl, he's a buff dad bod anthro dragon that's struggling to get bigger, he feels like he's reached a peak in his growth and decides to give up. That's when he finds a can of dad juice in his locker left by Druth, he drinks it, not knowing exactly what it is, and then grows to a huge size over the course of the animation, busting through the ceiling, and growing further within the gym envrionment~

This will be a 5+ minute long animation, it's a pretty big project so it's going to take some time to put together but rn it's my main focus alongside the venom growth!

You can listen to the audio for this animation here

---Gezrin Geth Model!

For those who have been here for a while you might remember my old robot geth sona Gezrin, this was a character I used back when I used to animate in SFM and didn't really have many models to work with.

I've commissioned my friend Abyssal to update him and give him a fresh new look. Currently still in the modelling stages but hopefully he should be done in a month or so!

Gezrin is one of a few models I've commissioned for a long line of projects in the future which I'll talk more on once they are developed further!

Link to the 3D model artist

---Feral dragon model rig commission

Tho this model isn't really relevant to future ideas and animations here I thought I should post it here anyways to show I haven't been sitting on my ass all week lol.

A friend commissioned me to rig and upgrade/update their model for them, just a cute feral dragon~ Probably get druth to rail them sometime.


Overall there isn't anything crazy to show at the moment.

As I said in one of my previous posts, I'm currently just in the stage of preparing for more big projects such as the Syrl commission and the venom growth animation. Basically making environments, gathering and upgrading models and just grinding through the more logistical side of making animations haha.

The next post I make should involve WIP images of either the venom growth or the Syrl growth animation, I'm pretty much ready to start animating them!

Thx for the support, you guys are making this all happen!




Looks like someone's gonna outgrow the locker room.

Ali Ellio

When is the next cum inflation coming out?


Geth is the reason why I found you and He's so sexy


Yess I have been waiting for more Gezrin animations always thought the contest with Sangheili and the frotting/growth with Chief were some of your hottest earlier vids