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The preparations continue! After returning from Vinceycon, more on that soon, I put some time into finishing the assembly stage of my Kill Team. Loaded for bear, it's almost time to rumble in the urban jungle.

This Saturday I'll be heading to castle Raven and giving the rules a work out. I'm also told I'll need these recently released cards pictured above. Not bad, my goal for this game and the resources it takes is for it to not occupy too much space. Jokingly I refer to this as 'fitting in a shoe box'. As our gaming group goes through more games, I can see an accumulation of projects and resources that could get out of control. Nice and compact so far :)

Primed and ready!

I have a plan for the scheme as well. Taking place in an urban environment pushed me to more industrial colors with that imperium styling. Industrial with a hint of fanny pack B) Here's what I hope to accomplish on the Kasrkins.

Alright, back to editing!

Remain unchained!




Looking nice and ready to receive a good paint job


Awesome, keep the blog posts coming. Enjoying it! As always, thanks for putting the photo in to top gallery for maximum viewing size!