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Recently I've been playing more games and it has me thinking about scenery. Last week, I drove to the big hardware store for the materials to make a 40K table but was unsatisfied. I'll get back to the table making but pair that energy with some recent Cities of Sigmar models I've been working on and well...I've created this small scene :)

No standout models needed. It's fun to put a heavy focus on basing but on the larger scale, props like this will start finding their way into my photos. I like to think every single model is a smaller piece of a diorama, a large scale scene playing out around them. I've painted thousands of models and leaning more into the art of photographing them will be a fun venture.

I've also kept the small shed detachable. Small LED's for a dollhouse are on their way and one of them will fit perfectly inside.

I'm just now unpacked from a weekend paint jam with a couple friends. Lots of ideas on my tired mind. I'm very excited about this week's project. I'm still working on a good name but usually your first instinct is right on these things. The Watchman's Coop will be coming right along.





Love it. The small kitty at the door makes it perfect. (In my head it found the one beam of sunlight to sleep under.)


Thanks man! I almost went with chickens. But I not have some chickens up my sleeve for a future project.


Ah that's awesome! What a nice little scene. The little cat makes a big difference.