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Hails and cheers, traveler! Here lies my take on the new Cities of Sigmar. They have a nice balance of simplicity and detail which I appreciate. On that note I wanted to create a more washed out version of them. Game of thrones comes to mind, the bases being rough sea stones or maybe he's fully dressed for a visit to the pond. Either way I wanted to capture a certain character with these and am happy with the result. Enjoy!

Hails and cheers, traveler! Here lies my take on the new Cities of Sigmar. They have a nice balance of simplicity and detail which really appreciate. I wanted to create a more washed out version of them. Game of thrones comes to mind, the bases being rough seastones or maybe he's fully dressed for a visit to the pond. Either way I wanted to capture a certain character with these and am happy with the result. Enjoy!


Grim Dark Cities of Sigmar



Well, now you have to mane a greenbay bloodbowl team.


Nice! Ah, that Anti-Zenithal! A real timesaver. I can’t wait to get my hands on the box. Preordered today. Already painted the Witchhunter warband, 10 Flagellants and a Battlemage. Time to add more to the mix. I really like the look of yours. Mine are maybe still a bit to “nice” looking. :D


Haha, I'm almost old enough to get into Bloodbowl. It seems like us hobbyists gravitate towards the gridiron or historicals. I could see myself making a cool diorama :)


Awwwyeah, swinging that hobby hammer B) This army has it, the same way the Imperial Guard symbolize the perseverance of human kind. I could see myself with a Warcry band in this syle. Cheers, Martin!