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 Well, well, well, it wasn't easy but I've finally cracked the code on resin pouring. Following a tutorial by Josuali miniature art found on massive Voodoo I got all the elements of business togther.

The resin I found worked really well compared to past mixtures. It's called Shabebe, here's a link:


It was going very well, the resin was nice and thick and I let it dry for a while so the air bubbles could escape. Then, as described on the bottle, I used a hair dryer to heat the top after pouring, which will cause the air bubbles to rise to the top. This had the unintended result of reheating the glue. My plastic dam popped off and the water leaked from the base, again.

I bottled my rage and wiped up the mess. Then, summoning every grain of patience in my being. I reattached the dam and poured what remained back into the puddle. I'd like to add that I colored the water with ink. I first tested this by pouring a batch and adding more ink than I inteded on the project in order to see if it would offset anything with the resin.

Success! You've seen the minotaur and I'm happy with him. You can see the tourniquet I applied for extra stability in this last image. I didn't want that glue coming undone again so I doubled my support system. 

During all if this, my buddy Chris was hanging out, assembling his Black Templar Combat Patrol. We've been hobby jamming on Sundays :)






Is that self curing resin?


Didn't let that resin get the best of you and came back swinging. Looks great! Thanks for posting the link for the stuff you used as well. Very helpful :) Also, cheers to Chris!