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Apologies for the delay, there was a music fest happening all weekend down town and the sounds were bleeding in when I tried to record the voice over. But here we are! Still smoking along on other projects and there will be another video this week.

Remember this guy? There have been serbacks on this one and I usually finish much faster. I'm happy to say he's complete and ready for the Nova Open. I captured footage while I was painting the back drop and am presenting it here. Enjoy!


War in Hell



That is awesome, one day I will try a backdrop too... You made me laugh as well: those hellish hippies sure are known for their love of nuclear mushrooms!


Haha, the hippies of war. There is a lot of freedom in painted backdrops, you can start very simple and it gives you another element to work with. Choosing the color behind your model is a fun consideration. Thanks, Wim!


The mushroom clouds alone would be pretty amazing, but the skull takes it up another knotch. Awesome! I would be so afraid to start painting the foreground if I had done a good job on the background, haha.