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Greetings, Chromatic Warriors! This is something still new for me, only my second attempt going this heavily on environmental Non Metallic Metal. This is an advanced concept, if you're unsure about NMM, check out this video first:


Colors Used on the Armor:
From Vallejo, Black, White, Black Green, Ice Yellow, and Dark Prussian Blue.


Environmental NMM



The first time I felt successful with an NMM project was on a model where I had a main zenithal light source, then a secondary red underglow (I pictured a shouldering fire). Watching this video I now get why that second source made it easier to think about. I will have to try looking at bounced light on my next big project. here is the model I mentioned. Looking at it now there is definitely a lot I would tweak with the overall lighting, but knowing that feels like progress. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn61zkRSKbO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I'm glad to hear this :) I can look back at my own earlier attempts and see the struggle haha. But what you've done, especially on the halo, looks great. For sure there is room for improvement but I can see you style developing and well as the NMM progress.