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With Adepticon just 9 days away, I was lucky to be joined by the one and only Vince Venturella for some Golden Demon prep. 3 days of painting 12+ hours a day. This is my kind of fun B)

You can see some of his entries on the desk, rest assured I will have a video up soon giving a closer look at them before the big showdown. It was great to have someone near by to pass my work to for some instant feedback. We went through rounds and rounds of this.

Vince also joined me for a moring workout. He doesn't show off like I do, but Vince stays fit. Had great time getting massive for Adepticon.

After streaming togther on Friday, we went and spent some time with Uncle Atom. We always get togther when Vince is in town and this time I got to be present, and even throw in some ideas, while they discussed their next game. More on that in due time.

Each night had us painting past the midnight hour. My hand hurt with muscle soreness and I painted until my vision became blurry, fully enjoying what I was up to the whole time and having a lot of good laughs with Vince.

I'm still working on some entries but here is a group shot. I don't expect anything form this competition because I've been focusing my efforts on a resin beast entry. But I'll be present so why not have a go?

I'll be entered in 40k & aos single, 40k unit, aos & 40k large, duel, and the open category with my skeleton. I feel good about the votaan model and my 40k unit, maybe maybe they can gain a trophy. No expectations this year really.

But about that resin beast entry. This is where I've been focused. I started this project pre covid and lost momentum when adpetiocn was cancelled. It's been with me for 3+ years now and I want to see it done and done well. A career defining piece that I'm proud of.

Is a model like this ever really done or is it just the end of it's time when I leave for the convention? I'm sure I'll take another look at this model and add more work. But I'm happy with it.

See you at Adepticon! I'll be making a post about meeting up for those who will be in attendance, it's the same as last year, meet me 1:00 by the large staircase in front of the vendor hall.

Remain unchained!




So much hype! The Creature Caster model is an astonishing work of art. Can't wait for you to take home gold with her :P


Vince you are supposed to eat the other end