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Greetings and welcome to the first tutorial of the new year! Feels good to take that first step of 2022. In this video we're taking a look at creating non metallic metal gold armor. This took a while as non metallic metal requires a lot of gradual steps. The whole process was about 6 hours in total, edited here into a digestible 30 minutes. Enjoy!

Colors used:

From P3, Bloodstone, Battlefield Brown, and Coal Black.

From Vallejo, Deep Yellow, Black, and Buff.

From Liquitex, Titanium White.

From Dialer Rowney FW ink, Sepia.

Additional Information on NMM can be found here:



NMM Gold Armor



It’s always helpful to observe your process. Really helps with visualizing the techniques when I attempt to apply them. For some of us new to NMM and in your opinion, Which do you think would be a good starting ground for practice, a larger model or smaller one? As always, thanks!


Thanks, Moshsolo! For starters, I think a smaller surface is best. I wouldn't reccomend painting an entire model in NMM. Pick something like a shirtless barbarian with an axe and focus on that weapon. Or maybe forget the model all together and just paint a spare weapon for practice.


The Sepia wash near the end, would you do something similar for steel NMM? Perhaps a dark tone, or payne's grey mixed with a midnight blue?


Yup! A lil wash won't hurt. Something with a touch of blue in the case of steel. I'll have to cover that in an upcoming video!