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Last week I shared a picture of some controlled chaos. I have a miniature mountain of models to get through, some are commissions, some are personal, and some are projects you'd recognize from recent tutorials. This weekend was spent climbing that mountain and gaining some momentum on the desk. 

The first project I pulled from the corpus mass is a commission for your friend and mine, Impending Duff. Enter the Blightbringer. When Duff asked me to paint this I remembered I had the figure prepped and ready. Not even I could guess that all those years ago, before I ever met Neil, that this model was built for him. I'm not sure why very little of it is painted but here it was at the time of discovery.

I really enjoy painting Nurgle, the plethora of happy accidents at your disposal and wide variety of available tones. Personally I like to lay out all the colors of a bruise, individually these colors are beautiful. Yellow, green, blue, not bad, but when you arrange them in a desaturated blob things get rotten. So I keep the cold colors in the shadows and blend the warm tones up for the highlights. Here he is after the first pass of wet blending.

After getting thing established, I started rendering, defining the highlights and deepening the shadows. Having fun along the way, switching colors here and there to get some subtle irregularities going.

Hold thy creation high in celebration!

Almost done! A very fun project and I can't help but treat it a little special as it's for a friend :)

But you worked all weekend and painted just one model? Nah, I also recorded footage for an advanced freehand video, edited footage for a re-do on wetblending, and prepped Lion el Johnston, note the little magnetized bit so he can be removed from his display base for gaming. 

Onward and upwards, we have a world to paint, and apparently it's speckled with mountains. I hope you climb high!