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Greeting everyone. 

Usually I don't do this, but today I really wanted to speak out, May be someone will be interested ...

I would like to rejoice at the onset of spring, but I'm afraid this wonderful moment has been overshadowed by recent events. And when I say "overshadowed", it is a great understatement.
To tell the truth, I feel like the entire world around me has collapsed, and I am in an absolute void...
But I'll try to put my thoughts on the shelves:

I want to start with a little introduction.
The fact is that I grew up in a family without a father,  raised by my Mother and Grandmother. As a result of this, if I may say so myself, I’ve had more of a womanly touch during my upbringing.
Where am I going with this? To the fact that due to the fact that I grew up in love and warmth, I categorically cannot condone violence.

To be honest, seeing all the horror that Russian troops have brought to Ukraine, it is difficult for me to hold back my tears. But the most painful thing is the realization that it was Russia that started all this horror.
The country that I love so much has turned to absolute evil.
From the very first day of the war, it was absolutely obvious to me - Russia is no more, this is the end.

Today, Ukraine is paying with blood for its independence, and I am sure that it will still hold a victory parade on Kiev Square. And everything in Ukraine will be even better than before this war, since the entire civilized world today supports Ukraine.

Russia is paying with blood for the collapse of the country, and it is not known how much longer it will be forced to pay after it ends ...

To be honest, in addition to feeling intense pain and shame, I am also afraid. And here you will probably ask what I'm afraid of, there is no war in my city.
The fact is that Putin is a very cruel person, he hates all living things, and first of all he hates dissent.
Any point of view that does not coincide with his own is perceived by him as "enemy"
Throughout his reign, he built a system of civil suppression.
All of our opposition leaders were killed, imprisoned or forced to flee the country.
Putin has done everything to destroy civil society. And those who understand everything were afraid to speak out.

I see how in many countries of the world there are huge rallies against this war, and I see how many people ask - why won’t the Russians come out?
And the answer is very simple - fear.

You can find many examples of how even children end up in prison. People go to jail even for comments on social networks. To go out with a poster for Putin is "treason to the motherland."

But I'm afraid that's not all. The second point is hellish Propaganda.
It pains me to admit it, but today most Russians don’t even know that this is a war!
Putin is doing everything to keep people in the dark. And those who try to convey the truth are destroyed.

I'm sure people are aware of everything, but how much time must pass, how many more people must die, God only knows ...
I pray that all this madness will end soon...


Sunny Skies

There's no words that do this justice. Nor are there any I can say that will make it better. So I'll do what I can, by listening and understanding. For the sake of all you hold dear, I hope this conflict leads to a better future. Even if it first leads to darker times.


I can't imagine what it's like living under such a regime... It sounds awful We can all just hope that whatever happens next will be better I'm still not able to do much from here in the uk, but if I can help you, I will


I also hope this will be so. Our history saw events like this, and all ended well...


It is hard, but I always hoped that Putin will die by natural reason and next leader will be Democratic. But at this moment he forming a heritage we will have to pay for long /)_(\


Dear Yakovlev-vadim! It really hurts my heart to read all this and at the same time to see not only the destruction inside Ukraine, but also the damage that Putin is causing in Russia. All the lies, propaganda. I've often thought about asking you privately how you're doing at the moment.. at the same time I don't wanted to be intrusive or disturbing, then the last picture followed and I really felt bad for not asking anyway. I guess I think that many people who grew up in difficult families have a special sensitivity to the people around them. Violence is definitely a no-go. For me it's a bit the other way around, since the father is the one who "worked" for our family and maintained it. But that doesn't really matter. What brings me to tears is that there are just so many factors that came together to lead to these horrific atrocities, starting several years ago. It is not just Russia that has brought us this situation, but of course Putin is the one who made the final decision and this has doomed his beautiful and creative country and its innocent people, just a shame. All the victims in Ukraine, the soldiers defending their country, but also all those soldiers from Russia who were lied to, thinking they were "peacekeeping troops", all the lies within the population with all the propaganda. Ukraine is certainly not perfect and there was still a long way to go to become a good independent state, but they made an effort and keep going. At the same time, I am so happy when I read about the heartwarming moments, this willingness to help, even the riots in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg) even if they are put down. All those in the Twitter community who speak out against this war, whether in or outside of our community. Even the little things like solidarity with name changes, mentions and much more. My boss (Chinese) said to me on Friday: He thinks it's scary that you might think the world hasn't learned when you compare the time with the past, almost everyone cheered for Hitler in their own country - but no.. that's the real change... that's not true when you consider how big the resistance is even in the Russian state, the riots, the people who publicly speak out against it, all those in the community who are strong and speak out against it online! Not to mention the international willingness to help Ukraine, which even comes from Russia, just from the population and not from the regime of course. Somewhere people have learned from the time, although not to the extent one would wish. So please, really take care of yourself! I don't want that the Russian people should put themselves in danger! Just recently, our state television (ORF) reported on the solidarity of the Russians against the government on the streets, but also including the well-known Russians who are speaking out against the war - found the report very nice because it wanted to show our people that this is Putin's war. At the same time, I have great fears, because a contribution was also shown that within Russia, uprisings have already been stopped with warning shots from the military, I don't want a civil war in Russia just so that Putin falls.. it would be so pointless more bloodshed would be a lost, there has to be another solution. The population, whether on the Ukrainian or Russian side, should NOT pay for the heinous deeds of a few people. On the other hand, this huge conflict also gives hope for a better future, even if the chance will only be so small.. but I pray and hope for it! This post was now a little longer than intended, I'm sorry.. but I've summarized everything I wanted to write anyway.. I wish you lots of love and strength from Austria, Christian stay who you are


I am wholeheartedly with you. We are all living in fear right now, for the Ukrainians, for the Russian civilians, for all the innocent people in this world. It is a terrible ordeal that we will have to overcome. Hoping that when this is all over, the world is better off afterward. (Sorry if my english are bad, I used Google translate for that ^^")

Mircea Kitsune

Humanity as a whole brought this upon itself. Putin has been allowed to remain in power by the entire world, in spite of his attitude and behavior being clear decades ago... because let's face it, most leaders in every country wish they could be him, including the "democratic" ones. Just the latest example: Justin Trudeau in Canada responded to the freedom convoy in a way that's at best as bad as what Vladimir Putin would do to protesters in Russia. So what free world are we fighting for then, rather than a battle between which authoritarian regime and crazed empire gets to rule the world? Indeed I see nothing but darkness around me either, but it will hopefully all end soon and for real this time.


It's so hard to hear about these atrocities. I can't imagine what it's like to live through. You have my sympathies. I hope all the best for those affected, and for you and your family


I hope you come out of this safely. You are not responsible for his actions and speaking your mind about them seems very brave to me.


These are dark times indeed. Hang in there, stay safe, and hope the UN steps in soon.


We're definitely living through a huge crisis right now. The upside is that no one reasonable expects you to resolve it yourself. You should make sure you are safe, and then start to consider how best to insulate yourself from a failing state. You have a head-start in that you have a dedicated international fanbase. Stay safe!


I hope that you are able to stay safe during all this Yakovlev


The horror of war is horrible. Know that Russia itself is not to blame, but Putin. Be safe.


Knowing from the history of my country what living in a communist regime is, it pains me to see that people are still suffering from it. We all see what horror the Ukrainians are going through, but the Russians don't have it easy either.


Be safe ♥️

Kitsunal Negai

I can't imagine the horror, and fear you can suffer right now, be in a place when literally everything is getting prohibited and trying to brainwash the own people showing only what they want, and if not they get punishedment? that is really sad and awful. I really hope all this end soon, and we will not end into another world war, because in the end, the only one suffering in a war are the innocent people in the country, the leaders are the one choice for everyone, and the ones get less suffer because the one loses the home, families, friend, and life are the innocent civilians. I hope everything end soon, and nothing terrible happens. thank you so much for sharing your feelings, and though, I really like your point of view and the way you explain in both side of the same coin. Please be safe and let's hope and pray for the better

Kitsunal Negai

And if someday you need something, I will always be here my sweet friend


Let's hope for the best, but I have a feeling that this will turn even uglier before it gets better. It staggers the mind. There is no point to this. All he's managed to do so far is unite the world against him, there is no way this can end the way he wants it. Tragically a lot of innocent people will have to pay the price for it, on both sides. Good luck to you friend. If you know people abroad and have a way to get out of your country you might want to consider it.


Stay safe, and hang in there. All our thoughts and hearts are to you through this difficult time.

Egon DaLatz

I wish I could say anything that cheers you up aside from what I've already told here and in private... :(


War is a terrible thing and you're right to despise it, but please don't feel ashamed for your country. Russia is all it's people, not one man. As an American I've also had to learn how to love my country while "disagreeing" with our leaders. Small people like us can't do much except pray for peace and watch the Elites play their games. Don't lose hope my friend.


Yes, most people everywhere just want peace, but country leaders drag them into war for their own reasons


I've seen the videos of what happens when people speak out against Putin. Whether it was the ammunition used against protestors or the espionage officer nervously trying to dodge his way around getting executed after a meeting for simply stating that they needed to negotiate, neither of them paint a pretty picture. I hold no malice towards the Russian people, only the monsters and their leader. I hope the best for you, and please stay safe.


It's really distressing. Nobody wants these things to happen. we still love you. Pray for a better world.


Слава богу мои родители уехали из России ещё давно, и мне не приходится жить во всем этом каждый день а просто следить из далека. Удачи тебе и надеюсь все это закончится скоро.


I feel like around 1941, and I am a Jew and a German at the same time...