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To Color comic takes really a lot of time so I decided to take a little break and draw this draft sketch)

Never let a hermit crab go into your house as you are unlikely will be able to get him out =)




I'd be confused if were that crab XD

Egon DaLatz

Someone's crabby, I see :D (If you don't understand the pun with the word 'crab', here's an explanation: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crabby)


Aw.....poor hermit crab >﹏<. Saw a lot of news that they mistaken human trash like plastic cups and bottles as home. It killed lots of them, always feels sad when I see them without a normal shell. (Still a interesting work thought, where did you get this funny idea?)


oh... I afraid this is really hard to me^^ Could to explain more shortly please?^^


Yeah, I also saw a lot of photos about it and this is really makes me think about ecology. What about my Idea - this is absolute random^^ Sometimes my mind creates strange ideas like this^^


)) This made my day! Thank you for your life-affirming art that you make ... they make us happier)


There is an American Comic called Sherman’s Lagoon about a shark and he has a friend hermit crab that lives in a can. I saw this and it turned my day around thank you.