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Poll! How I could to forget about so comfortable thing as poll... -___-

So, as addition to my previous post I want to make a little poll with next question:

Ponies is a nice creatures, but what if someday, instead exclusive with pony, I will draw NSFW picture with character from another universe?
As example I really love characters from Wow universe (like Dryads,Worgens, Draenei, Elves girls and Succubus)
Characters from Beastars and Zootopia (as any other furry creatures)

I also open for suggestions)

What do you think?

P.s. Just thoughts, nothing more^^
But all depends on your voting of course =3



I'd say give it a shot. If it doesn't pan out, oh well, but it's a fun idea.


So, this is only about the variety of NSFW content?

Egon DaLatz

You've proven yourself for being more than capable of creating SFW characters from other media, so why the heck not? :)

Crimson Flare

I would love to see some Worgen in your art style!


I afraid my auditory can be disappointed^^ Actually this is only one moment I really afraid)


You can draw what you want Vadim, you can draw what makes you happy. You also want to try other things and that's a good thing. Everyone here understands this and thinks it's good as long as you continue to draw MLP's 👍 I will of course follow you and support you with your My Little Pony drawings. It would be nice if you brought two Exclusive at the end of the month. once as usual MLP and then NSFW another characters from another universe. For me that's perfectly fine if you mix MLP characters with other characters from other universes. You know I love it when you draw Spyro and the My Little Pony's together 😍


Not too fond of WoW. I jumped of that train even before the first expansion hit :D But if there's any artist that would change my mind, it might just be you. (But I do hope more for zootopia and MLP ;) )


With your art style, I'd love to see Juno from Beastars or even Gazelle from Zootopia! I look forward to you branching out!


I'm curious to see your take on other universes. That aside, it's important to continue doing pieces that you want to do.

Kyle Cope

Go have a look at DoomXWolf if you haven't already for that stuff


I enjoy all of your art and I’m excited to see some of your ideas in other areas


Out of all the ideas you mentioned, Worgens sound the best to me. I love how you draw wolves and canines. Something NSFW for them would be amazing! <3


Where's the option for Worgen, Pandaren and Vulpera?

Winter Fox

I appreciate that you keep your fans in mind when thinking about drawing new art, but I want you to draw what inspires you. If that means character from other universes, by all means go for it!


Heh, and I am really happy that you think about my wishes ^_^ Honestly the most thing I want is to my own wishes was the same with wishes of my audience) And I want to know how much people would be interesting to see something new from me and I am happy that most people don't mind about it)


Honestly I thought about to do two exclusive pictures, but this will mean that I will have to draw less pictures for my other resources. Despite the fact that I draw NSFW pictures I still considering Safe art as my base. Anyway I see variant with two exclusive pictures as possible variant, may be I even will do so.


Wow universe have a lot of really nice creatures, I just can't ignore it^^ And furries also is my favorite creatures))


Oo, how I could to forget about Gazelle >w< Yeah, I also love her a lot)) And as I already said Juno is one from my favorite characters. Honestly I even thought to draw next exc. pic with Juno =)


Yeah, can't to disagree. Unfortunately my wishes is much bigger than my possibilities and so sometimes I just have to choice -__- I still continue to trust that someday I will able to draw everything I want to draw...


Heh, yeah, I love wild worgen womens, they looks almost like furries.... but without tails -__- Why creator didn't draw them a tail? /)_(\


Have you thought about doing more than one nsfw drawing a month? If you do multiple you could draw whatever and everyone would be happy! I understand if you don't want to though.


late but it doesn't matter to me too much :) your art is good, and while I prefer more SFW art of MLP, Warcraft... I like Warcraft >=3 especially draenei. Draenei have always looked real good to me.


What about D&D characters? I know there are a few that you could do justice on i bet