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And sketch of Gamer Luna as reward for Clayton Graham this time)
Night is definitely the best time to playing =3




That almost looks like my setup in my room


I wonder what Luna is playing 🤔 Call of Duty or even Monster Hunter World 🤩 I Love Monster Hunter World Please finish the picture in color Vadim


I'm glad to see another lighted sketch! Monochrome style helps to appreciate forms and shapes, and they're awesome!


looks like she's having fun!


Funny question, what game would Princess of the moon enjoy ~

Kyle Cope

Less things to bother you


I think HRM Luna would enjoy just about any game but I saw this and I instantly thought about playing the old Starcraft, or 7th Legion


I think this is good suggestions, but actually thought about something action and popular, something like Overwatch or MK. Honestly I also love suggestion with Minecraft X) Anyway, Clayton Graham asked me to add PS controller so I think I will find something action and popular in PS community. If you have any suggestions I will happy to hear it) Unfortunately I am more PC gamer so... I am not good at popular trends in PS community^^


Heh, I don't sure yet about game, but I love your suggestions) Happy that you like it ^w^


Thank you very much ^w^ Yeah, actually I noticed that make shadows is easer in monochrome style, but here is a little moment: Sketches - is a separate style of pictures in my opinion and I love sketches. But with shadows this become to look more like a complex picture. But without color this looks like unfinished picture and I am not sure yet what is better, usual sketch without shadows or this variant... Anyway I am happy that you like it ^_^


Yes, I do this almost every night, since there is no quieter time than night. Love the art!


Looking really good so far. I do really like the lighting btw. ^_^ I wonder if she'd play something with a darker tone like Dark Souls or Bloodborne or even Amnesia the Dark Descent.. then again, the last one probably wouldn't suit her current expression. xD