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Hello everyone)

For the last time I started concerning about Patreon post. It seems to have problems with messaging.

The thing is that I often don’t get answers from people, who seem interested in my answer, I mean:

Someone asks if I can accept his drawing request. I answer “yes” and ask about details, what namely he wants, and thereafter I don’t get any answers from him. I think it is strange, and it happens not for the first time.

Thus I have a question – maybe my (or his) answer didn’t pass?

So I ask you, if someone hasn’t got my answer, please write here, in this post.

Also you can use my DA to connect: http://yakovlev-vad.deviantart.com/



I've never heard of this happening.


I've noticed similar issues for other creators.

Sonny Starbrite

I've sent you a few messages for my July 2015 sketch idea, but have yet to hear back from you and July has almost ended. Did you ever get my message for this month?


А ты берешь реквесты? ^_^'


Yes, I sent you answer a several days ago. Didn't you received it? Unfortunately at this moment I have not enough free time for it but I will do some sketches at end of this week (or at Monday)


И от тебя я не получил ответа?-_- Кажется почта тут действительно работает через раз /)_(\