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"Stop right there, criminal scum!"
I can't imagine how much shame Celestia feels to be catched by her own guard^^
Anyway, I am sure she won't go to jail because this is her palace and therefore food too)

Just quick random idea for this time)
May be I will even do a little comic with this idea)




Oooo she got busted nomming on cake ;P really nice work


Being caught by the guard isn't half as bad as being caught by the cook! ... those frying pans and rolling pins though... they'll soon be classified as an illegal weapon.


Think a cage drop scene would be hilarious for this. Guards get reports of food going missing and they aim to trap the thief. They manage to capture the princess.


I always thought of it as "Dun Dun Duuunnnn." but we all get the idea. CAUGHT! Red Hooved!


Huh, this is great idea)) Actually I also thought about guardsmen investigating rumors of missing food, but I didn't think about cage))


Loook, this wold be really fun scene if cook will beat her on the head with a rolling pin shouting "thief!" And only after it will notice that "thief" is his princess :D Awkward situation for both X)