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Hi to every one)
Just had one more idea for little comic and decided to draw quick pic by it)

I just thought: as all we know Luna can to watch dreams of others ponies right?
So theoretically she can to know a very personal things)
And this could to be a very useful for political manipulation :D

Who own information - own the world))




Heh, I thought about this before a bit for a couple stories, even had Tia ask about dreams for ponies she was worried about. Luna would always remind her that she was bound by some means never to share another's dreams with any but the pony involved. But this? I freaking love it XD


Hahah loving this one. Great job!

Cult of Dust

Jokes on her, my dreams are all of boring daily routine :')


What a cute blush hehe! x3


Tia: "Ah, but I know all you do when you're awake!" Luna: *heavy blushing*

Draco knight Blaze

Haha this is both funny and very interesting I wonder what dreams princess Luna has seen from Celestia and I can actually see her doing this in the show Bravo

Winter Fox

This is great. The page layout is very well done.


I am sure Luna never share this secrets with others) She just wanted to play a trick with her sister and all) Anyway I hope cuz actually she really have a great power in her hooves^^


Really happy that you think so)) I only do my first trying in comics so page layout is very necessary thing for me))

Draco knight Blaze

You mean you don't know what dreams Luna saw???


She did something with her sister that can't tell anyone.