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Hi to everyone)
And this is time for my new monthly exclusive picture)

For this time I decided to pay attention to Starlight in her past. She really did some bad things so... I tihnk she deserved punishment^^

Also I noticed that I really love dark barns for this kind of scene, interesting why...

Attention! No.. Alarm! Danger! 18+ content by the link (not for little children). Be sure you want to see this! 

Link to the picture

And as bonus I drew character of Walfas
1- Actually by first description he have to look so
2 - But I really wanted to draw him with lion tail, so I did second version)

Hope you like it ^_^
And remember - If you have any special suggestions for next exclusive picture don't be shy to suggest
I absolutely tolerate for any suggestions even if I don't draw it, so don't be shy)  



Cult of Dust

... do I have to be bad first to be punished?


Hm... I think this depends on who will be executor of your punishment and his own wishes) Any way if you really want to be "punished" you may just ask and I am sure you will find one who will be ready to punish you :D


Я смотрю, последние 2 месяца в эксклюзивах продвигается бондаж. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Кстати, на этом фоне и на основе твоих частых изображений принцесс у меня появилось предложение - взять Металестию и Металуну и изобразить какое-нибудь приключение из их юности, можно с алкоголем и NSFW-экспериментами.

Crimson Flare

I think I speak for all of us here when I say that we would LOVE a follow-up picture where Starlight Glimmer is getting plowed by the stallions of 'Our Town'.


Да вот сам не знаю почему, похоже мне действительно нравится эта тема^^ Просто хочетса) Что до принцесс - то я давно уже кручу в голове пару идей с ними, тем более что тема Матала сюда хорошо впишется, так что возможно и реализую =3

Crimson Flare

How dare you assume his orientation?! =P