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As we know little ponies grows fast and Luna's old bed is small for her now so he decided to find new, more comfortable bed for herself.
Unfortunately for Celly who also have to find new bed now, and unlike Luna her new bed will much less comfortable^^

Actually Luna should learn manners and understand that this is unacceptable. Today she usurps Celestial bed, what will next, Celestial throne? Such behavior can lead to civil war^^
But everything can be forgiven if you are a little pony ^_^

Just one more little thought from my head)




Celestia maybe plotting for revenge at this point

Cult of Dust

To be fair, Celestia knew Luna would be back and didn't have new furniture. She really should have prepared.


I think it would have been funnier if celestia just slept ontop of luna. Now we got a cozy celestia with a not sleeping well luna who is probably having night-mare from the extra weight XD


When i say night-mare im refering to the Chinese myth that if your having nightmares coz something heavy is on you. Http://shepard0821.tumblr.com/post/182690722099/modern-mongal-048-gravity-pressure-affects


It's like watching my cats...


To much cute in one drawing!


Much from this kind of ideas I took from my cat)) I don't know why but I really see ponies as cats even though I drawing them with dogy anatomy^^

Leo G.

I can't wait to see this colored...


haha 😁 I love this very much ^^


Is that a sunflower on celestia’s butt!? xD