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Hi to every one)
And I think this time I would like to start with a little prelude^^
About a half of year ago I got suggestion to draw Twilight with Spike from episode where Spike becomes adult dragon.
At that time I decided to draw other idea cuz I was a bit afraid to draw dragon, but for this time I decided to try)
Also ahead of supposed question about Rarity I can say that Twilight always was near and she was first who faced with the difficulties of Dragon's teenage period so...^^

Attention! No.. Alarm! Danger! 18+ content by the link (not for little children). Be sure you want to see this!  

Link to the picture

Hope you like it ^_^
And remember - If you have any special suggestions for next exclusive picture don't be shy to suggest
I absolutely tolerate for any suggestions even if I don't draw it so don't be shy) 




Now thats hot~ :3

Cutie Honey

That's a very good rendition of Spike, nice work.


Yummy, Spike nibbles Twilight.... the little lucky guy


That's a pretty good Spike, and I think her using magic to help him guide in is sweet. Overall the interaction between them is well done!


Very nice pairing! Spike looks pretty good, and I'll always say yes to more Twilight ^_^


Hey that's a great picture of the two of them, just wondering if you've put any consideration into a rarity picture for next month, or whenever you feel like?


Actually for this pic I thought about Rarity but I love twilight more^^ What about future - sure, anything is possible) You always can to suggest me any idea with any character you would like to see)


I would kind of like to see the mane six at a topless beach, in a more anthro style


I hope he can be more muscular fifty times.