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Fur seal - one from the most cute creatures on the planet, so I am not surprised she don't want to give it back^^

Actually I am not know the one who will able to take away toy from the little pony so this is really workable method of privatization^^




It's mine!!


How can you draw so many very cool arts for so short time?


Short time? О_о Wow, I even didn't thought that I ever will hear this about me^^ Unfortunately phrase "so many arts for so short time" is absolutely NOT about me( I just spend a lot of time for drawing. Sometimes, if I have time, I can to spend several days for drawing only. Actually this sketch I drew for 8 hours and I find this EXTREMELY a lot. Usually good artist can to draw the same for 2-3 hours and even less. And this is what I name skill. Unfortunately drawing is hard for me, and be able to draw full pic for day - is my dream. Anyway thank you very much for the warm words ^w^

Kyle Cope

What in the world?