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Hi to every one!)
And I so sorry for my low activity for last time, unfortunately I just couldn't to draw all previous week(
But now I have time again and drew this little pic)
*Interesting moment, I didn't draw only one week but have feeling like I didn't draw for year*

Anyway Winter is coming and so I wanted to draw something warm.
May be someone remember my old picture of this idea and this time I decided to draw second version)
I just really love a tea >w<




Noice funny


Glad to have you back! Can't wait to see what's next :D


That is a beautiful Teacup and I enjoy the styling, I’m just surprised there is no Russian version


Am... I didn't leave, just did a little break^^ Next picture already in progress =3 Actually i wanted to finish today but something went wrong /)_(\


Oh i see! Did you enjoy your break? ^-^ aww, sorry to hear something went wrong. I hope everything is alright! (\^o^/)


Yep, I spent my time great ) But honestly after this break it is really hard to back to work^^ What about picture - I just didn't love result and decided to correct everything - all as usual, I just love to redraw (actualy not). Usual thing^^


Is that strange that I'm oogling the cup here?


Drink and eat