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Hi to every one)
And it's time for my monthly exclusive pic =3
I remember that in my previous post I promised to draw Trixie cuz I didn't draw her yet, so here you are)
Also I got suggestion about tentacles... again and why not)
As I said before - I am not fan of this kind of fetish but it can to add an element of action to the scene and I really like scenes with action =3

Attention! No.. Alarm! Danger! 18+ content by the link (not for little children). Be sure you want to see this!

Link to the picture

And now bonus and question:
Time from time I trying to practice with furry characters and I find this really interesting to me, and this brings me some thoughts.

I saw that some artists drawing anthro ponyes and in my opinion this is a great decision between Pony (feral form) and Furry (Anthro form)

So.... I want to ask, what do you think about anthro ponyes?
Will you support if I also will do attempts in this direction?
Or you will hate me?^^
Anyway if you are really against, please, say about it in comments)

And as bonus my last picture as Practise to Furry Characters




Anthro ponies is ok by me.


Tbh, I would really like to see you draw some anthro ponies from time to time. :)


You make amazing art, I'm good with whatever you draw.

Egon DaLatz

I was waiting for the moment when you would announce that you're going to start making anthro pony pictures as well. You have my full support, Yakov! :)


Yay tentacles! Trixie looks very cute with them. I really love the liquids and the dripping effect! So nice~ I would love to see you do anthro ponies and furries too! The bonus sketch is very nice :3


I really like both anthro ponies and quad ponies. I support your decision to draw for either one of them. :)


The real question is whether the collar was on already. Trixie looks very nice in the pic, and about the question, I say you should draw what you want. Ponies look great in both forms, and I think in your style it'll look awesome.


The Trixie draw like always is a solid 10/10 perfection. Now I'll be honest here even though I'll be minority, I personally dislikes anthro style (HATE it when out of proportion boobs and what not), one of the reasons I am so fond and in love for your art is because it is by far among the best feral styles out there. I am in this for the ponies exclusively and personally I do hope while you'll do some anthro that the exclusive explicit draws remain being feral. However I am not against you drawing anthro specially because it will please the others in here, we all have to accept and for you it is all valid experience, I just particularly would prefer if doing anthro does not mean the decrease of feral art.


I have full confidence in you to make awesome anthro art! I'm behind you 100%


Cute and hot trixie! Specular highlights imho should be different on on wet and non-wet parts of surface. I like both your pony and furry arts


I actually am not a fan of anthro ponies (I prefer ferals), but seeing your bonus I'm confident that you'll do an excellent job :3


I'm actually not a fan of anthro, mostly for the absurdly unrealistic proportions in a majority of anthro art, or the 'uncanny valley' feeling. That said, having seen your bonus, I don't mind it, from you. I love your art style for feral/quadruped ponies, and if you can bring that same thing to anthro, I don't think I'll have a problem.


I’m not a fan from anthro ponys or anthro in general.

Cutie Honey

Yay! Trixie pony!


I support your art not always the nsfw, that said I am ok with anthro I just hate the ridiculous giant features I much prefer more natural looking ponies or anthro.


All of your art is beautiful, and I would love to see what your anthro MLP ponies are like. That being said, draw what YOU want, and don't let others control you.


This is a most exciting scene! I greatly prefer your feral pony art, but if you want to draw anthro ponies then you should go ahead.


normally i'd say no don't do anthro, but you are really good and i believe you can do some really great anthro pieces, just don't forget to still do feral ones from time to time

Winter Fox

We've already seen you do some non-mlp anthro work and it has turned out quite well. You should try out new styles and subject matter as you want to. As long as you don't give up on normal mlp completely, I say go for it. I'm here to support you either way.


Конечно рисуй. Они у тебя уже очень годные получаются. Помню я у тебя пытался в самом начале заказать антро, но ты сомневался, что у тебя хорошо получится. Так вот, у тебя с ними всё ок, даже более чем :P


Have to say I also prefer feral ponies to anthro ponies. I wouldn't be mad or anything you drew anthro ponies, in fact I'm sure you'd make them look great! But since you asked, that's how I feel. I WOULD however love to see you do more anthro furry (non-pony) art. That's always welcome! By the way, love this Trixie! :D


Styles of artists are very different) Actually I really love style of Tomatocoup for anthro ponies, she is really inspires me for this theme) But may be with a bit more anatomy^^


Actually I am also don't love giant features, so I can understand you) Honestly I really love style of Tomatocoup for anthro ponies, she is really inspires me for this theme)


weeeeeee >w< Спасибо большое, я очень стараюсь правда пока это дается сложновато в силу непривычности. Но признаюсь честно сия тема мне весьма и весьма интересна) Хех и да, я помню как ты просил антро, но тогда я по правде говоря испугался брать ибо была высока вероятность налажать^^


Aw, of course I Will not forget about anthro) Actually for this moment I just wanna to start draw anthro time to time) I still love canon ponies ))


Thank you ^_^ I also love furries, but I afraid this is separate theme and anthro ponies is more near to canon ponies theme) So I think I have to start from anthro ponyes first, and may be someday I will change my main theme to furry theme, but not in nearest time^^ Anyway as I said - I really love furry characters and I works on them with pleasure)


Thank you, I am really happy to hear ^_^ What about anthro - actually I also don't like when characters out of proportion. Actually, I already written it, but I really love style of Tomatocoup, and I think her proportions for anthro is my fav) And of course I will not forget about feral, don't worry about it) I just want to draw anthro time to time)


Anthro would require a some new research in anatomy.. . e.g. how to balance legs\hoofs proportion, what type of leg anatomy is better to use. Tomatocoup uses something like semi-plantigrade with hoof instead of toes, but looks a little on cartoonish side in detail. I like how you do them fluffier, gives a soft impression (along with persistent use of 1.38 section rule - even while for cartoon ponies it is inverted in places - bigger half on upper side of head instead of lower. Because of those big eyes ^.^). I have a little question, about what you do with hoof. It looks like hoof's wall ends on the heel, while usually it doesn't reach that, leaving heel bulb and wall bars around frog which are is used in traction ( <a href="http://lrrpublic.cli.det.nsw.edu.au/lrrSecure/Sites/Web/8132D/equine/AnatomyPhysiology/Hoof/Images/Hoof1.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lrrpublic.cli.det.nsw.edu.au/lrrSecure/Sites/Web/8132D/equine/AnatomyPhysiology/Hoof/Images/Hoof1.gif</a> ). This picture makes it obvious. Is that for the sake of simplicity? On anthro that might look less fitting.


Nice container!