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Hey everyone)
Not so long ago I had a chat with my friend where he asked me an interesting question:
"How would the princesses react if they knew that you drew lewd pictures of them?
Would you even be able to look them in the eyes?"

Of course the question isn't something you'd get asked everyday, however it inspired me to draw a little sketch)

I tried to imagine their reaction, which wasn't as easy as you might think. At first I wanted to draw my OC getting beat up by the princesses, but I don't see the princesses as violent ponies, quite the opposite, I see them being very kind, or at least really well contained. It's not princess-like to have excess emotions after all. Who knows...^^
I wouldn't know how they'd react in that situation, but I know exactly what I would do if I were caught: I'd turn red as a tomato ^^

I confess, this question made me think and come to the conclusion that despite I enjoy NSFW art sometimes, I'm really ashamed of that /)_(\
On the other hand, it might be for the best)
One should have their 'safe guards' after all X) 




You dont have to be ashamed too much, most of us here do enjoy NSFW art as well and we would be here for you. ^^


You shouldn't be ashamed of liking to draw nsfw arts. It's pretty fun and really hot in your style! Also your oc is super cute


That look tho! Lol



Norbert Tot

There is nothing to be ashamed of. To draw something just the way nature created them is normal. (and I know mlp (or other things) isn´t something nature created but still). You should not be ashamed of yourself or your art, because its normal to draw SFW and NSFW. I think drawing SFW is okay but it hides the true nature of a character or creature. Because nature is the purest thing on this world and to draw nature like it is (naked and pure) is OK :3 So dont be ashamed of yourself ;)


You do you, I will support you no matter what! Your OC is super cute here, btw. Does he have a name?


(^~^) There! You got what you deserve! (^~^)


You know I'm kidding!


Celestia: You naughty little one.


Hey, as long as they're having a good time...


I think you are correct in that the Princesses would not be violent. Honestly, though, given that they've been around for millennia, I don't really think that they would be too fazed. Your art is awesome and you should never be ashamed of your efforts! :)


Here's a question then: if the princesses knew you drew lewd pics of them, but didnt care, what kind of lewd pic do you think they would want you to draw of them?


Hm... interesting, can Celestia and Molestia be considered as the same character....


Heh, anything can be) But I hope they will not too angry to me^^ Anyway if I could, I would to ask a permission)) Who know, maybe I even would suggest something special for them X)