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Time for Reggie!

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Reggie's original appearance and lore 

I thought it appropriate that Reggie should fail at first. Who knows? Maybe he'll succeed eventually... Only the future, and your votes, will tell!

I tried a more sketchy workflow this time. I love it. It may be more rough around the edges but it allows me for way more freedom. I hope that you like it as well!




Reggie tried his best and is willing to work on his approach and that just makes me love him. I'll admit to not being super enthusiastic about him at first - I thought he was gonna be a bit of a pretentious prick - but I'm really warming up to him and enjoying where you've taken him.


Loving Grimlewd!

Stephen Wells

Honestly? Task failed successfully.

Stephen Wells

I assume Groin of Steel is something like Steel Wind Strike but for dick instead of sword.

Ignacio Segura Montero

I think it’s just a really good buff for your genitals’ defense. Continued use CAN result in severe damage. Friction burns can be nasty on those tender regions.


i can only assume this will affect his path


You have a new comic series since I last checked in? :-o I'll have to get caught up with all your work! <3