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GrimLewd vote #3B

  • A1)Ker let's a group of big male monsters fuck her main body in exchange for killing some pests around the fortress. 189
  • A2)Ker gives a good tentacle fucking to a pair of young witches in exchange for some warding around the fortress. 457
  • A3)Ker fucks a mixed gender group of cute young adventurers in exchange for some yard work and information about the area. 444
  • B1)A tough, muscular female knight reluctantly enjoys a rough tentacle fuck from Ker after almost clearing the dungeon. 406
  • B2)A young, feminine nobleman gets ass-fucked, mocked and spanked by Ker after he fails her dungeon immediately. 188
  • B3)A big, burly knight fucks Ker after easily clearing the dungeon. She enjoys herself despite being frustrated by the loss. 163
  • C1)A young, cute, female dungeon researcher volunteers to be put into a pleasure station for a week for research! Ker obliges her 487
  • C2)An older peasant woman agrees to try the station for a couple of hours. She comes back again with friends the next day. 176
  • C3)A wandering femboy wizard mocks the idea of the station, calling it a waste of time. He agrees to try it to prove that it wouldn't work. 266
  • 2023-07-24
  • —2023-07-31
  • 2776 votes
{'title': 'GrimLewd vote #3B', 'choices': [{'text': "A1)Ker let's a group of big male monsters fuck her main body in exchange for killing some pests around the fortress.", 'votes': 189}, {'text': 'A2)Ker gives a good tentacle fucking to a pair of young witches in exchange for some warding around the fortress.', 'votes': 457}, {'text': 'A3)Ker fucks a mixed gender group of cute young adventurers in exchange for some yard work and information about the area.', 'votes': 444}, {'text': 'B1)A tough, muscular female knight reluctantly enjoys a rough tentacle fuck from Ker after almost clearing the dungeon.', 'votes': 406}, {'text': 'B2)A young, feminine nobleman gets ass-fucked, mocked and spanked by Ker after he fails her dungeon immediately.', 'votes': 188}, {'text': 'B3)A big, burly knight fucks Ker after easily clearing the dungeon. She enjoys herself despite being frustrated by the loss.', 'votes': 163}, {'text': 'C1)A young, cute, female dungeon researcher volunteers to be put into a pleasure station for a week for research! Ker obliges her', 'votes': 487}, {'text': 'C2)An older peasant woman agrees to try the station for a couple of hours. She comes back again with friends the next day.', 'votes': 176}, {'text': "C3)A wandering femboy wizard mocks the idea of the station, calling it a waste of time. He agrees to try it to prove that it wouldn't work.", 'votes': 266}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 31, 10, 59, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 24, 15, 51, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 2776}


GrimLewd winner #3: [Domestic Interface] aka Ker Rotraud:

Quote from Ker's lorepost:

Dungeon Kings: A, now extinct, powerful dynasty of evil wizards who ruled this part of the world before Godfall. At the height of their reign they were almost godlike in powers, by figuring out how to use blood and soul magic to create new life. They were one of the reasons why Gods are scared to come back.
Living fortress: A vast partially organic structure that used to be the seat of power for the Dungeon Kings. With them gone, it is slowly growing and subsuming surrounding landscape. Very rich in magical resources. And monsters. And tentacles. A lot of tentacles.
[Interfaces]: A slave species created by the Dungeon Kings to more easily control the fortress. With the Kings gone, they are still bound to their last orders of maintaining the fortress. Otherwise they are mostly free to persue their own goals, now full in control of their assigned fortress sectors.
They are hovewer limited in how much they can grow.They are incapable of taking additional [classes] and if they try to grow past tier 20 the central fortress [hub] system detects it and wipes their minds clean. It is a source of much frustration for many of them.
They come in many different varieties, shapes and sizes. The [domestic interfaces] were specificaly designed to be more human like and attractive to serve as their masters maids and household managers.

Ker is a person stuck in a difficult situation. She is a nigh immortal slave to a long dead kingdom. Her [domestic interface] path gives her broad control over her sector of the fortress, but little else.

She is a woman with a great deal of power... Within a very small world. She can do almost anything she wants, as long as the fortress grows, and she stays within its borders without taking on additional [paths]. She never quite made peace with that.

She has been stuck in this status quo for centuries... But the world is changing. And the fortress was built long before secret classes were a part of the Path... Perhaps there is a way for her to escape her prison?

This week you will vote on which path will Ker take in her new sector. Choose wisely!

A)Path of the Brothel

One of Ker's responsibilities is stopping adventurers, monsters and vagrants from damaging the fortress. She finds that the tresspassers tend to be a lot more agreeable after a good fuck.

She kills ones that try to harm the fortress afterwards, but hey, you need both a carrot and the stick!

Ker builds special sections of the fortress where she trades sex with her main and duplicate bodies for peace and favors from the visitors. The lust mana generated this way is a great way to supplement her fortress needs. Everybody wins!

Ker earns a [Brothel] secret class

B)Path of the Dungeon

Ker has a certain approach to dealing with adventurers. There are always fools trying to plunder the depths of her fortress in search of treasure. She kills the disagreeable ones, but she does work with the ones willing to cooperate.

She agrees to let them try her specially built dungeon... Under one condition. If they fall to her traps she can have her way with them. She does so love to play with them and see them struggle... And the lust mana generated is a nice bonus for her.

Ker earns a [Sex Dungeon] secret class.

C)Path of the Mana Breeder

Over centuries Ker developed a... novel way of feeding the fortress mana it needs to grow. She discovered that sentients kept in a near constant state of orgasmic bliss generate all sorts of interesting mana affinities beneficial to the fortress.

In the last couple of decades Ker experimented a lot with putting willing sentients into her custom designed pleasure stations... Where she personally makes sure that they are thoroughly satisfied at all times, with her body and her tentacles.

Ker earns a [Mana Breeder] secret class.

This vote ends on July 31st

Multiple choice enabled [if it doesn't work on mobile, try it on desktop]



I hope incase draws more milfs. They have a good talent for that.


I wanna see all options. Dammit!