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First proper GrimLewd NSFW image! Had fun with this one!

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Danislava Iskra of the Svarogov dynasty will follow the path of the templar! To quote from the previous post:

Path of the Templar
Danny looks within the [Templar] order to burn off her energy. She finds like minded [Templars] who help her control herself better through discipline and... Brotherly/sisterly bonding. She is far from the first [templar] to be dealing with these issues.
She finds beauty and inspiration in the augmented bodies of other [Templars]. Her control over her own grafts grows giving her more control over her own body.
This path focuses on body modifications and friendly sex. Plus it explores more of the Templar order and their weirdness.

If Danny ever wins again, most of the options for her will involve other [Templars]. And more and more body mods. Fun!

Here's Danny's previous appearance:

A bit of info about the templars from a previous post:

Grafting: To gain enough power to protect Verakost borders from corruption [templars] need... special help from their dead God. They amputate their limbs and organs and replace them with prosthetics made from God's tissues. They believe that to be the only path towards true power without the taint of corruption.
There are some that argue that grafting is corruption by another name BUT who would listen to those heretics?
Cages: Huge suits of armou crafted from God's bones and tissues. Incredibly dangerous and magiacly potent. So potent that it is impossible to operate them without first replacing most of your body with God's tissues.
They are a big part of the reason why Verakost managed to stay a dominant power in such a fraught and dangerous part of the world.

I hope that you liked this one! I will be a bit more careful with offering girl dick options in the votes in the future! I have no idea if this option won JUST because it had girl dick in it or was it also popular on the lore level? Who knows.




Tbf i just like the idea of templar stuff. Reminds me of cyberpunk


This is amazing stuff. My anticipation mounts!


I love everything about this <3 Cant wait to see more of Dani and Tilly's journey

Nicholas Feltner

For me it was lore AND dickgirl. The body mod gave it a good concrete example for the lore...plus...ya know...beautiful woman with dick is always a good option.


Well you know, it is said that sometimes good and evil depends on the perspective...


This is why I stay subbed

Stephen Wells

1) Wow, incredible abs on these templars; 2) oh NO, that arm graft is visibly growing further up her arm since her first pic; 3) these girls are clearly not using the titanium condom they would need for this to be safe sex. She's going to be transformed from within by magical girlcum.


Delicious. We all love a beauty getting dicked down by another one, but I think this won for world building. It's clear there's going to be lots of corrupt and messy paths for this, I think having one character on the "proper" path will add good contrast with those.


I will never complain about girl dick, haha. My only critic is your spelling of her nickname. Obviously I'm biased though, as a fellow Dani 😆


Imagine my disappointment when I read the post and found out cage didn't mean chastity cage. T_T

Stephen Wells

To be fair it's probably quite difficult to have sex inside a Cage... if only because you'd almost certainly activate a bunch of apocalyptic weapons system without meaning to. Of course, in the Grimlewd world, most likely the control/sensory system of the cage involves intrusions in every orifice, so it might at least be fun for one.

Stephen Wells

The gold banding on the god-parts is treading that fine line: is it decoration? Is it *circuitry*? This is amazing work. Erotic worldbuilding is a fearsome creative force.


I'm not disappointed but I do kinda want them to run with this idea and have sects of the order take "oaths of chastity" because they believe their pent-up lust increases their power (whether or not it actually does is up to InCase)

Stephen Wells

...what's the survival rate on first graftings, anyway? Are we in a Witcher-type situation where they lose a LOT of recruits? The levels of survivor's guilt among this crew must be sky-high.


Abs. ABS!


I would be interested in seeing a side-piece of a rejected grafting as well

Wild Bill

Huh. That looks quite different to the first of Danny. In that one, the arm looks to be well-defined like a typical bionic arm in a sci-fi setting. Not something that you'd expect to *spread*. They are both very hot though, I love muscle girls. And I can't help but wonder what on earth happens if she cums inside another girl with a magical god-dick.


Always appreciate seeing dgirl content. Now I wonder how grafting works for dicks. Can they breed? Who's dna is contained within the sperm?


Ohhhhhhh good gracious, that arm graft is NOT staying still, is it? 😬


Wonderful, absolutely wonderful

Joshua Wolfe

Cool posing and use of light effects with the hair

Patrik Hjorth

Well, this certainly earns the "Grim" part of GrimLewd. The "Cage" reminds me a bit of something I read about at the SCP Foundation website, an ancient mech made from beryllium bronze and (literally) armed with a reality-bending artefact. Frightening on several levels. Edit: I'm not really into dickgirls, although I'm not against it either. I definitely like this for the lore aspect.


It is my suspicion (and InCase can confirm/deny) that the graftings are spreading because Danny and Tilly are having sex.

Wild Bill

Doubtful, the implication is that the graft spread to her crotch, and that's how she got the dick. That would be *before* they fuck.


If you look at the picture when they are having sex it looks like the grafting part is currently spreading. It may be InCase motion lines.


I don't know about god having a plan, but I'm sure your community has one 😈


I have this strong feeling that there is a Kickstarter for a TTRPG sourcebook of some kind in your future. Also, I would totally vote for the dickgirl option on pretty much any poll. Love your dickgirl art!

Ignacio Segura Montero

So, either the grafts are reacting to the heightened physical and/or emotional state of the templars, or maybe to their proximity to each other? I like the subtle implications here. It makes sense that attaching a piece of divinity to yourself could have wild and unforeseen consequences and I’m looking forward to finding out what they may be.

Ignacio Segura Montero

Also, about the design of the grafts I love those golden sinew lines or veins or whatever they may be. They remind me of the Japanese concept of kintsugi and the idea of using gold to piece back together something that had been broken, just like the pieces of the broken god being put together with humans.

Steve O

Holy shit that's hot.


Just don't tell people whether the girl's going to have a dick; decide up front but keep it secret


Actually just put dicks on all of them just to be safe