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First piece for the Old Kingdoms! I am more and more thinking about the Old Kingdoms as a wild, uninhabited area full of ancient magical experiments and devices roaming about. A good place for various kinds of [adventurers] to go and find riches.

Dungeon Kings: A, now extinct, powerful dynasty of evil wizards who ruled this part of the world before Godfall. At the height of their reign they were almost godlike in powers, by figuring out how to use blood and soul magic to create new life. They were one of the reasons why Gods are scared to come back.

Living fortress: A vast partially organic structure that used to be the seat of power for the Dungeon Kings. With them gone, it is slowly growing and subsuming surrounding landscape. Very rich in magical resources. And monsters. And tentacles. A lot of tentacles.

[Interfaces]: A slave species created by the Dungeon Kings to more easily control the fortress. With the Kings gone, they are still bound to their last orders of maintaining the fortress. Otherwise they are mostly free to persue their own goals, now full in control of their assigned fortress sectors.

They are however limited in how much they can grow. They are incapable of taking additional [classes] and if they try to advance past tier 20 the central fortress [hub] system detects it and wipes their minds clean. It is a source of much frustration for many of them.

They come in many different varieties, shapes and sizes. The [domestic interfaces] were specificaly designed to be more human like and attractive to serve as their masters maids and household managers.

Don't know what this is about? Check out the GrimLewd setting overview post




Ooooh, I like it. Been reading some Dungeoncore stories here and there, and this gives me some of those vibes.

Stephen Wells

I will cooperate, Ms. Rotraud, there's no need to (tentacle noises intensify)

Ignacio Segura Montero

Loving the idea of the Old Kingdoms as just this Zelda wasteland full of roaming dungeons without dungeon lords. The inmates now running the asylum but still shackled. So much storytelling potential.


Very cool world you have there.


No honored dead are buried here


Sounds like the Old Kingdom being gone caused a power vacuum that allows for new power players to step onto the scene. Obviously the issue rests with adventurers and the like pillaging its treasures and risking the cycle to repeat again when someone attempts to recreate the wizards' research. Either that or poor understanding of their technomagic causing incidents...


Very nice. I was interested already, but this really is suddenly moving towards the SF/F vein I love.


Dungeon cores and living subsuming tentacle fortresses, oh my 🤭 I am way too excited for this setting 🤩 (Two little spelling mistakes in a sentence on the graphic: 'That would explains her presnce here.')


Really hope we get some elves. What is a fantasy setting without elves?


Fantastic design!

Shawn K. Younkin

I am so excited about this series!! Everyone and everything looks amazing!!


I want to smooch the interface.

Wild Bill

That sounds really cool. And she's pretty hot for a tentacle thing.

Bud Chudley

Talislanta! Very long running RPG series what absolutely no elves whatsoever! That's one of their advertising lines!

Bud Chudley

Kinda reminded of the rpg series 13th Age and it's "living dungeons" what has a heart of treasure, and generated rooms as "blood vessels" and monsters as it's antibodies. It has a mega-adventure, "Eyes of the Stone Thief", what revolves around the Moby Dick of living dungeons, what likes to follow adventurers and eat their home towns, incorporate surviving bits into itself.


ok. i'm kinda interested in this one here to see what if any character development it can get, as it's semeingly essentiallly a household AI of some sort. so what is the hous eit's maintaining like? what are the requirements? Is it insane that i see one of these opening up a tavern because it realizes it's masters aren't coming back anytime soon and it wants pleasant company? Or it cooperates with a human to open a tavern with the understanding that this is a partnership, NOT a master servant relationship, and if the master ever DOES come back, the human is almost certianly toast. of course, by then the human partner may be long dead, so why not roll the dice?

Joshua Wolfe

From the Twisted Path universe, a new manga "Salacious in Dungeon". If the adventurers want to get deep in this dungeon, they are going to have to charm a lot of sexy monsters.


I like it, though I naturally want to free up the interfaces to grow beyond 20

Matt A

love this


superb drawing


Ha. Funnily enough I have an idea for a story about a rogue [Dungeon interface] opening up a tavern along with some humans. It's a story nugged that I liked enough that I started developing a LitRPG world that it could fit into haha. Maybe someday! As far as the interfaces go, they are essentially people that have articial restrictions put on them. Less AI and more people with magicly altered minds, although effectively they are very similiar on the surface. So within the few restrictions they have left they are pretty much just individuals persuing their own goals. Some want freedom, some don't care. Freshly made interfaces tend to be very robotic and devoted to the fortress, but they tend to develop personalities over time.


The whole LitRPG thing was inspired by reading a dungeoncore story haha. Specificly Blue Core: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/25082/blue-core


One of the reasons I am not fully happy with this interfaces design is that it's a bit too SF looking. Going forward I'll be trying to keep it as fantasy as possible. I guess this is the absolute most SF vibes I am willing to allow here


This one! I am gonna design some sort of elf stand in [pretty and nature oriented], but no elves. I want to try to get more creative than that


That sounds really cool. Shame that it's not a narrative book, but the idea sounds amazing


I find these terms acceptable. Excited to see what you come up with.


...why can I see a great character origin in the form of an [interface] that got loose somehow but had dropped to level 1 in the process? (And giant robots. Need manapunk giant robots in here somehow...)


I'm imagining some Interface's Scouter exploding at the levels of lust and resilience.