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Long story short:No new Alfie pages in Febreuary (and first week of March probably). Imma do CYOA's and single images instead. Explaination below:

You've probably noticed the lack of content lately! That's because I've just bought that apartment I've mentioned before. An apartment that needs to be lightly renovated and furnished. Which takes up a lot more of my time and energy than I anticipated. Next couple of weeks I'll be trying to get it livable, since I have to move into it by the end of febreuary. Which is even more time I can't spend drawing.

I thought I could work on that and keep Alfie updated but that's just not going to be possible.  Last week since I got the keys I've tried to spend my free time working on the script and designs for Alfie but it's not working for me. It's very frustrating but I can't focus on a long term project like Alfie right now. 

I think I can handle a smaller, more flexible project right now. Like a short CYOA, or a couple of single images. I can work on them around my other responsibilities much easier. I am really sorry to be extending the break between Alfie chapters, but I have to do it this time.

So for the next month this patreon is going back to random porn. I'll set up something like a CYOA or a vote, or a raffle tomorrow. You could let me know if you'd rather have a CYOA or random pics or whatever. I am open to suggestions.

Let me know what you think! I'll understand anybody who skips this month's pledge. 



Congrats on the new place!


Thanks for the explanation bro!


Congrats as well. Hope the renovations go well. CYOA was fun.

Austin Hicks

And thanks for letting us know whats going on


I don't mind supporting you but maybe I don't really see much point to the patreon because all of your good content is on tumblr. Maybe I am missing something? But, best wishes! By the way the thick red demon trap you drew recently is one of my favorites! Would love to see a comic with maybe a shy guy who can get tricked into pleasing the demon mistress?


The point is you pay him so he can continue doing what he's doing, not to get private access to stuff :)


CYOA is great fun. But just focus on getting your bearings first.

Michael Butchin

I am happy to be patient, so long as the quality of your writing is so maintained. No one can run at full bore ALL the time. This is one of my favourite web comics. Best Porn 'n' Plot EVER.


You know what. I am OK with you taking a vacation from Alfie to get your apartment done. Everybody deserves some time off work. Your quality, reliability in updating and general diligence is well known, so I don't mind waiting 4 weeks for the next update.


No worries, Sometimes you do need a pause to come back refreshed, and your reason is pretty important anyway oAo


A CYOA would be cool I think. I think patreon added a voting feature at some point, could consider using that. As long as there's traps I'm happy ;)


Nother CYOA sounds fun


Some sort of vote on what people want to see you draw would be cool.


if you can share some rough sketches, thats will be nice

Sasha Dylena

I'd love to see you bring back the raffles. Would give your brain a break while still flexing the creative muscles.

Isaac Carr

Thanks for update. CYoA: 2 Incase shemale girlscouts double team their unsuspecting female sitter! Just my 2cents =P


CYOA, I loved that format. Perhaps a raffle to determine the subject of the CYOA that way we get the best of both worlds.

Mat Andre

Great to hear you're still doing alright and excited for whatever you bring to the table. Your art is fucking epic and we're all happy to share in whatever you create. CYOAs are awesome. And I'd love to see some rough sketches and/or short timeplapses im the future..always inspiring to see your proccess!! All the best with the new digs!! ;)


How expensive is it where you live that at $4,700 a month this isn't your main job :) Maybe the issue isn't time, but location. Still, no worries on the lighter month.

Zack benYosef

I was wondering! I actually love the CYOAs you've done and was sad you weren't going to do more. Other than Alfie, I think some of your CYOAs have been your best stuff! Ethics 101 is insanely hot, for example. And of course the last long one, with Sam and her new part and the bar, was awesome. So I'm good.!


Moving into a new place isn't about money. It takes time and work. And a $56K yearly salary isn't enough to throw money at extra help or brand new living spaces unless you live in the very cheap boonies. Live in a big urban center and that's a "going hungry" wage. It's going to be hard to wait, but I certainly understand why.


Now now, I am sure if anything interesting happens with putting an accidental hole into a neighboring apartment wall, it will be reflected when Alfie returns. Thanks for keeping us "abreast" of the situation.


My favourite sequences so far have involved Vera and her rich elf. The 3-way with a hunky guard was an especially uplifting experience. Throw a sissy boy, or a skinny shy girl, into the Vera/Elf mix and you'll win my heart. I'm especially keen to see what you can do, erotic-wise, with that large quiet older guy with the big grey beard! The goat-horned gal has promise too -- especially since she seems to have regular/normal size tits! I truly do LOVE The Mess, but please keep girls with dicks out of Alfie's world.


You have to do what is best for you. It is totally understandable that getting the new place up to snuff is foremost in your mind.


I can go with the flow, whatever you prefer

Hans Peter Bak

Alfie porn NOW! *stomps floor*....*floor breaks*....*floor-stomper falls through to the cellar*....*shouts* "Just kidding!" ;)


I'm all for whatever content you have time for.


I'll miss Alfie but you do what you can. CYOA's were fun too.


I like the random stuff whatever its original or R34 stuff (Fingers crossed for Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing romanticly giving a blowjob ) but really take a break if you need it.


I second the request for Hellsing characters fucking. I can't remember whether you do free sketches for Patrons or whether that's someone else, but I would LOVE to see Rip Van Winkle, my second choice being an oh-so-innocent looking, "Oh, golly! I don't understand what's happening!" Seras Victoria.


You have to take your times, you're a great artist, and if you need a breathe you must have it. We all love Alfie and can wait for more adventures when you are ready.

Darot Games

Every creator needs some break from time to time.


CYOA Idea! Futa moshpit goes in an interesting direction. I like the punk style on girls, and love to see you run with it.


Keep up the good works! Love your stuff