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Wow! It's been a while since I made a 3D update. Mostly because not much has been happening in that regard. 

Once the Alfie hiatus was over I immideately remembered why I don't pick up any other big/long term projects. Keeping Alfie updated (even in the reduced 2 pages per week state) takes too much out of me to get anything big going. As it turns out 3D animations/comics count as big.

I feel silly about making that big announcement about 3D being the future of this patreon. That is definitely not the case. I will continue to use 3D to help myself along, but I just can't focus on it now. I am thinking about taking all mentions of 3D content off the tier discriptions. Any 3d/animated content I make will be too sporadic for me to be comfortable to use it as a potential reward.

I do want to try doing some more animated paintings like these two. They were a good middle ground time wise. Maybe if I build up a page buffor for Alfie? We'll see.

My new 3D skills do come in handy in setting up new Alfie pages though. Being able to use 3D models for more complex scenes is a godsend. This chapter will have some wacky crowd scenes and I can't even imagine just plotting them out by hand. No thank you.

I don't think I'll be making any more 3D updates... But I did enjoy periodicaly writing about my art progress. I think I'll keep doing that.


Fester's Lampshade

It's okay to make statements that turn out to be aspirational.


Based on what I read from your comments you seemed to enjoy the time you spent learning the process and working with it. I thought everything you put out for 3D was pretty impressive and would love to see more, but honestly all your work is impressive. Do whatever brings you the most joy, I doubt any of your patrons will be disappointed in it, regardless of the form it takes.