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It’s simple. I want to have more free time. For the last year I’ve tried to reduce my workload several times, but it always ended up with me just replacing one project with another. I love putting out new content so much that I always, somehow ended up filling whatever time I freed. And to be honest I was also scared of losing money. 

The pace I was going with since I started this patreon is tough. People wonder how I manage to put out so much content. The secret is drawing 7-8 hours, 6 days a week. Four pages of Alfie, take three days to do, CYOA takes two days, One day for the Bi patreon. One day to rest. And then repeat. I am not trying to complain. I actually love this pace. I love my job, that’s why I always try to do as much as I can. BUT it’s not good for me long term, I am starting to realise. Something has to give.

I am 27yo and frankly, I should be a better artist that I am. I’ve gotten better over the last couple of years, but nowhere near as much as I could have. That last study break showed me how much I need to have more time to learn. One hour every day is not enough. That’s what I want to spend most of my new free time on. I need more time to learn and try new things. Not to mention live my life. I am becoming a bit of a hermit lately. 

There are also some things I’ve been neglecting to do that have to do with running an online business. Marketing, merchendise, maintaining my galleries/websites. After six days of drawing I just don’t have enough energy to think about anything else. 

Short term, this means I will be putting out less content from now on. But long term it will mean better quality. I hope.

As usual, let me know what you think! 



you gotta maintain that work life balance. gotta do whats best for you because it is what is best for us. we love you for the quality and passion of your content not the quantity of it.

Andrew Rowe

Do what u gotta do, man. I'll keep supporting u.


As an artist I know how much practice and learning goes into growing and maintaining a style or medium. I'm glad you're taking more time for yourself to learn and hopefully relax to. Inspiration can come from those breaks that wouldn't come otherwise.


What Andrew said, do what you got to do. Don't burn the candle too much. Also, Rowena is awesome. Maybe not related but she's one of my favorite characters period.


I think you are fantastic, and have a rare perspective to be able to see, assess, draw conclusions, and act on them in your best interests. I call that "rare" because while it's easy enough to describe it in half a sentence, it seems like most people can't or won't do it. Anyway I'll get off my soapbox with a hearty, happy, GOOD ON YOU! :3


I completely understand and you will still have my support. It's not good to overwork even if you do enjoy your job. Good decision! :)

Trevor Clarke

I think that the majority, if not all of the people here would agree with me when I say that we're supporting you, not just your work, and you've been fantastic in your service to your audience, and no one here would ever say you're being lazy or trying to cheat us out of money. Take all the time you need, more if you wanted, I'll still be supporting you.

Michael Butchin

Quality over quantity is never a bad trade off. I have found not only your art, but also your storytelling on Alfie to be superlative. It's not easy to do a Porn-and-Plot in which the readers care so much about the characters. I am more than happy to trade less content for even better quality. Your quality is pretty amazing even now.

j k

You need to take care of yourself and not run yourself down. This will be good for you. Take care!


I understand work/life balance issues so you do what you have to feel better. But I admit that I supported this patreon for the request threads and CYOAs and I wasn't all that interested in Alfie. I'm hoping you'll have more time for the Bincase comics.

- - - -

Seems entirely reasonable.

Jovinius Maximus

The CYOA is the main draw for me, but I'm going to continue patronizing you because I still enjoy the rest of your work. Also, self-improvement is pretty noble. Good luck!


Oooohhh then this would be a great chance to publicize Alfie in graphic novel form! Or other merch! OMG I'm getting excited 😀 I hope you'll be able to put in more time into learning! You're already amazing and I can't wait to see you improve over time! My pledge stays! Good luck with everything 😊😊😊😊


Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I'd laugh at my boss if he asked me to do 6 days a week every week. If you burn yourself out, no one gets any content.


You're an awesome artist and I will continue to support you. That's a shame about the CYOA because that's the reason that I started to pledge. I just hope to see Sam and Ash again ^^. Also, I totally understand that you need more time for you. And yes, I was surprised about the quantity of your content because you're the only one to produce so much. But as you said, you need to live your life. Drawing has to be a passion for you, not a chore. My pledges stay :)


you take care of yourself, that will always be most important, and well better content in the long term sounds great but hard to imagin with the high quality you have now ;)


Doesn't matter what age you are, nor how much you enjoy what you are doing, if you take on too much, stress kicks in and that is bad for your health. I spend a lot of time on the computer (no, not games) and if I don't get off between 1/2 hour to an hour's walk every day I get stressed out and then have to take time off. So take breaks, and get a bit of excersise and you will probably end up doing more. Good luck.


As another comic maker, I can tell you that drawing 7-8 hours a day for 6 days a week is too much for the long term. You need two days off a week or you're going to burn out. You're still producing an incredible amount of content per week. My pledge stays.


Hey mate, this is great! Not many are able to recognize this before burning out and things are much worse. Glad to see that you're doing this!


Hello, Incase. Do you need assistance running your business? I run my own startup, so I fully understand what you are going through. Keeping every social media updated, while creating content, while learning new tricks, while trying to have a personal life, is easy for nobody. I have followed you for many years, and was a subscriber at Doxy's Prismgirls for a while too. You should not be dropping paid work, but delegating responsibility of mundane tasks, to trustworthy persons, who can act as your busy body. That way your time can go into work your fans actually pay you for, and free up time for other things. If you are interested in talking, my twitter is <a href="https://twitter.com/otakuapologist." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/otakuapologist.</a> email is otakuapologist@gmail.com

frank sands

I found you because of Alfie, and I think you're one of the finest artists I know. The art is beautiful and has only gotten better. You draw real women, with real problems and I never liked drama, but your stories are just incredible. As so many have said before, came for the porn, stayed for the drama (and the characters). Keep up the great work, and find your balance.


Incase, if you put no content at all here it would not bother me. I think the intent of patreon is allow people to be patrons of the artists they love. You have a style and skills i greatly admire and i will always try to support whatever you do. Rest and take care of yourself and be happy, you have a solid group of people that will always support you, love ya!


When I signed up to contribute on Patreon it wasn't so I could see more of your work or even to encourage more updates; it was out of gratitude for the amazing work you have already shown! You as the artist are most important above and beyond the donations or the artwork. Without you there is no artwork, there are no fans, and I think we're all here for you regardless of the output. I'm just glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself and I'll continue to see some of the most amazing art I've ever found online, hopefully into the far future. :) (P.S. as someone who is 32, works for myself, and going through that same realization, you are making the right decision!)

Chrono Flux

Your storytelling and artwork are amazing. It would be a tragedy if you burnt yourself out. Do what you need to in order to take care of yourself. We will still appreciate and support you. :)


You deserve to take a break, or even go at your own pace. You're art is other worldly, we wouldn't want you to lose your flow and spark. Keep up the awesome work!!

Walter L.

I've been wondering for a while now, considering the quality of your work and the success of a relatively softcore series like Stjepan Sejic's Sunston, if you ever think about going mainstream. I mention Sejic not just because of the erotic in his most successful work, but also because I do see some similarities between you two artistic vise (not even a hint of implying you're in any way influenced by him, mind you). I don't want to lose stuff like Alfie (because it's mine, all mine ;) ), but otoh I'm always happy when artists I admire get more recognition.


Quality, not quantity, just do what keeps you right and healthy


You will always be an amazing artist and I am most grateful for all the arts you've already putted out there. You are an inspiring artist. Staying healthy is priority, that includes having some free time to do whatever you want. My pledge stays ;) take care!


I came here for Alfie, comic and art, everything else is a bonus and I love it. Don't fret, a litte more time to do other things and relax will only make you better.


You are an amazing artist, so don't sell yourself short. And by all means, take time to relax, learn, and take care of you, because those things are important too!


Your work is getting better all the time. I really appreciate your effort.


I respect your decision, but I hope this doesn't mean all Alfie, all the time...


you're getting my money whether you release a chapter an hour or a page a week, I'm with you! :D


What merch is there? I would love to buy some!