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Last two weeks have been interesting. The previous month was focused almost entirely on figuring out how to model, texture and rig a character... So what's next after that? It turns out naked people stuck in a black void are kind of boring so bring on the clothes and environments!

I am working my way towards some sort of a short comic about a lady scientist exploring hell... The exact plot is still up in the air, but seeing that the only other finished model I have is a big burly demon lad... Well you can guess at least some of the story beats.

The setting will be some sort of victorian/arcanepunk/fantasy bullshit. Love me them corsets and puffy shirts. For now I want to stay away from any sort of complicated cloth interaction so the demonologist's outfit is mostly very form fitting.  The time for modeling long dresses will come... But not yet.

The background will be some sort of bleary and dark looking hellscape. I've been working on creating simple 3d assets that can be quickly combined into easy to paint over backgrounds. None of the assets look very good on their own, but I have enough painting experience to know that I can make them look good in the final product. 

Here's some tests for the grass particle system/shader. 

The next step will be figuring out an easy way to populate the scene with foliage. I have some ideas mostly involving blender's geo nodes. Here's some early tests 

Bonus pic: demon lad without the hair looks like an absolute gigachad. Who knew.



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