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Long story short: I may not be able to create as much content as usual for the next two months.  I'll try to do as much as I can but it will be less than you are used too. Just a heads up if that makes you adjust your pledges! 

Those of you that read my webcomic 'Alfie' already know a little bit about what's going on. I thought that I need to be more open with those that actually pay me to create content. 

I am in the process of buying an apartment. The legal situation of the apartment I am buying is a bit complicated and it will take a couple of months to clear. I have my lawyer on it, it's fine. Normally it would not be a problem BUT I recently got a one months notice from my landlord. So I have to move out around the begining of october. And I will have my own apartment only around late november/early december... So technically I may be homeless for a couple of months :D

I have a wide range of options for where to stay in that time, but none of them are especially condusive to my drawing schedule. The whole situation is more of a pain in the ass than an actual crisis. So don't worry about me. I'll be fine. 

Right now I am taking a little vacation after finishing up the latest chapter of Alfie. I've been spending my days mostly doing studies and dealing with stuff I mentioned above. Sometime next week I wanted to start working on redrawing the first chapter of Alfie, but I don't know if I'll be free to do so. Will I be moving? Where to? Will I have an internet connection? There is a lot of variables that I simply don't know right now.

Also, as an additional TREAT I am dealing with some minor health issues. Nothing bad, but it means a lot of standing in lines at the doctor. Which further cuts into drawing time.

If it turns out that I am completly unable to create anything I will just suspend this patreon for a month or two. But I don't think that'l happen. I don't want to sit on my ass for two months and do nothing. I want to draw titties and get paid for it damn it! D:<

Anyway, that's my situation. A whole lot of 'who knows?'

Here's what my current plan is:

-Continue my study-cation. It's been too long since I sat down and really studied. Maybe I'll figure out how to beat sameface haha... Not likely.

-Sometime next two weeks start working on redrawing the first chapter of Alfie. It looks shitty right now. I wanted to do it for a long time and now that we reached the halfway point in the story I think it's a good time... And since it will be in black and white and a smaller format each page should take far less effort than those in chapter 7.  Which is good for the current situation.

-In whatever free time I will not have write and design next part of Alfie.

-Continue doing CYOA's but keep them simple. Just so I can fit one each week.

I was also thinking about pushing back redrawing Alfie for a couple more weeks untill my situation is more stable. Meanwhile I could continue doing studies and bring back simple request lotteries, or thunderdomes. Since it's a lot easier to do those around an erratic schelude.

Eh, let me know what you think!



Do what you need to. Get settled and get healthy Sir. :)

Michael Butchin

No worries. Stories of this quality, I can be patient for. I had been following Alfie for a long time, but only recently became a supporter. I was really impressed with your skill in creating a story with such explicit erotica AND characters I came to care about, relationships, and character development. One doesn't often see such 'genres' so skillfully combined. Take care of what you need to take care of. Your work is worth a little waiting.


Hey, would it be possible to see your studies at some point in the future? I really liked your older stuff in your blogspot page and was actually wondering if your still have those files aroind somewhere. :) Cheers and take care!


Just get better. Life happens!


Sounds like life just being shitty, we're here to support you. I'm not going to edit my pledge if content goes down. Get better man!


No worries love, enjoy the vacation, I'll keep pledging as always for my favorite artist on earth ♡

frank sands

You do what you gotta do, I'll be waiting for more glorious Alfie comics. Please let me know if I can help with anything

The Ferret

Take as long as you need and don't suspend the Patreon. I'm happy to support you even when you can't draw titties. Focus on healing/study-cation/enjoying the joys of friends couches or hotel rooms


Take your time and keep Patreon running. Will keep up my support even if you don't find the time to gift us with something. Take care of your health, take care of your situation and rest assured you have a lots of followers who love your art and hence you and we will stand together so you can continue living your dream and draw us titties and butts in your unique style ;0) win-win for all!


I'd prefer if you made the CYOA's simpler either way, these complicated orgy pics are just a distraction. Make them simpler and if that saves time come out with them more often :) Get well and unhoboed soon! (cue InCase moving in with his parents and Alfie gets SFW)


P.S. Thank you for having had the courage to inform us about your situation. Big Thumbs Up!


In my personal opinion. Don't suspend patreon I take vacations from my job and still get payed shouldn't be different for you in my opinion. Plus people that disagree can suspend the support on their side so, meh. And on that not thanks again for drawing comics full of tittys AND emotions (sadly far to few works that incorporate both :( )

Gene Cahill

No problem; we can wait patiently and thank you for the update :) If you want requests, i would LOVE to see you do a full on Futa Power Girl. I know you did a femboy version, but I would love to see her get the In Case FUTA treatment :)


After reading this, if anything I'm thinking of rising my pledge instead of lowering it. Take care of the things that need taking care of and once the dust settles (and I think I speak for more people than myself) I'll be more than happy to see all the titties you want to draw again!

Joshua Wolfe

Your plan sounds good to me. You do quality work so it takes time to make. If life is throwing time constraints on you, I don't mind a slow down in content for a bit. You need a break every once in while from the daily grind anyway. As always, I am happy to support your lovely art.

Pavel Lishin

Do what you gotta do and stay healthy, we'll be here awaiting your return!

Kenneth Winkelman

I'd gladly pay you to draw some titties for me. I've been trying to find someone to draw some character reference sheets for me.


How about getting stuff in print -nbm publishing, they do gay stuff too


Do you work on commission by chance? :)

Crawling Chaos

Giving us a timeline for the irregularities is very considerate of you, and a very obvious sign that you care about your patrons.


I wouldn't mind waiting if that means you being alive and in a solid housing plan :) good luck with everything!!!


I love ur stuff dude. I can wait. I know its worth it!