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Over the past month I've been spending a lot of my time working on 3D animated content. You can see some of the results of that here, here and here.

Initially it was supposed to be just a little thing to do on the side, as I work primarily on 2D illustrations and comics, but it turned into something more and it's becoming difficult to fit it into this patreon. What I want to do is commit all of my non alfie time to 3D art, but that's quite a departure from what I've been doing here so far. And what you pay me for.

From the beginning this patreon has been about illustrations and comics. I've been pretty loose with exactly what that means to give myself freedom to explore new ideas, but it has always been more or less the same thing. Alfie as my main comic project, a secondary comic/image series, and a bunch of one off illustrations here and there. 

In the next couple of weeks I would like to finish Room and Board, and then commit all of my non Alfie time into working on 3D content. Meaning building my own models for the purpose of creating stylised animations. That would significantly change my output and that's not something I feel ok doing without writing about it first.

Right now the general idea I have is to modify the tiers:

1$ would include more general updates on how the models/animations are doing. 

5$ would have more polished previews of unfinished animations.

An alternative to changing this patreon, would be to start a new one dedicated entirely to 3D content, but the end result would be the same. Less non-alfie output and more 3D. It would mean more clarity but it would also force anybody who wants all of my extra content to have to pay double. I don't like that.

What do you think? My mind is pretty much made up on focusing on 3D art for the forseeable future, but how exactly I do it I am not sure. I would like to know your opinion on it.

TL;DR I want to focus on 3D content in the future, but it will come at a const of less 2D content besides Alfie. What do you think?


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