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Starting in june I will no longer be doing request lotteries. Or taking request from single patrons of any kind. Nothing against the requests themselves, or the way they are picked (the lotteries are fun) BUT I want to focus all of my time and energy on sequential art, like comics, CYOA’s or whatever else I can come up with.

It was a very hard decision to make since I do like painting and doing requests. But I think I have to do it. Comics are what I love to do the most and that’s why I started to learn how to draw in the first place. If I had infinite time in a day I would do both stand alone requests, comics and CYOA’s but I don’t. So I have to prioritise. That’s what this year was supposed to be about, right?

I don’t intend to work any less of course. I want to provide the same amount of content, just different type. I have a couple of ideas about what to replace the requests with.

  1. Go back to upldating Alfie 5 times a week

  2. Do CYOA’s in color

  3. Start another CYOA. <- maybe something with goblins?

  4. Try out different ways of doing sequential arts with some sort of audience participation.

I am not sure exactly what I’ll do. I think I will keep going at the usual pace in june and see how much more time I have without the requests. Then I’ll see what I can do to fill the extra time with new content.

I will keep the 15$ reward tier up till the payments are processed in the first days of june. Since they are technically payments for this month’s request lotteries. I don’t know what I will replace it with. I am thinking about making the 15$ tier able to somehow add voting options to CYOA’s. Maybe through lotteries? Or their own smaller votes? We’ll see.

Let me know what you think about this in the comments below!

As usual I am writing about this ahead of time so you can adjust your pledges accordingly.




Maybe have a premium comic where $15 patrons vote on character designs and suggest story concepts, but all patrons can help with story by voting like CYOA?


I think your sequential stuff is great, and I'm glad you're going to devote even more focus to it.


nooooOOOOOOOoooo......as much as i LOVE Alfie and the other sequential stuff, the CYOAs too often go in the directions i DIDN"T vote for...the lotteries were the one thin hope i had of actually getting what i ask to see!! I certainly don't want Incase to get burned out or anything, but this news is still more than a little dissapointing.


For $15 similar to BI comics you could have people vote on character designs , story lines , outfits etc. You could have discussions for stories or something. Would be awesome to see you do Sci fi. Crazy sexual multi cocked alien futas with tentacles bump into astronauts, oh the possibilities/ awesome coloring potenial.

Kenneth Winkelman

I'm interested in seeing how the change affects folks/things and I'll remain hopeful that I can add an original Incase to my OC collection at some point in the future. ;)

Didi Solomon

I'm for more Alfie. :-)


I understand the move, and wanting to do only the things that interest you ... But I at least hope you can find a way to add some diversity to what you offer, be it one shot (2-3 page) comics along the CYOA lines, or a stray standalone piece on occasion. Only because in 3-4 months time, I don't want to look at your Patreon accounts and go, 'Oh, here's the goblin and trap guy.' Just like the way I look at ShadB now and think 'Goth girls and assholes,' or AnimeF and how it's nothing but 'Your OC x My OC.' I'm definitely not bashing anyone for doing what they love. But it's disheartening to see so many top tier artists who have narrowed their focus so much that their art no longer interests me. (And I have no plans of canceling my whopping $5 donation every month ... I just wanted to throw it out there.)

The Producer

I enjoy seeing your art paired with a story. I'm for it.


Happy with what you are planning. Gopher it! (^_^)


1, Alfie is way too good


Yes please to goblins.


My vote goes towards 2


Okie dokie. I'm a big fan of Alfie, but I like your other stuff too so I can live with the others. It's all good.


I like ideas 1 &amp; 3. Some of us wish you could do both. And if you could do another Puazi adventure with Ms Jelenko I'm sure a lot of us would love it.


best of luck ^u^


In my opinion, 2 and 4 sound the best.


I have a request! Be yourself! Your work is fracking INCREDIBLE and I will be happy with ANYTHING you decide to do. So my earnest request is that you go with whatever flow drives you from inside, follow whims, explore different mediums, do whatever, just keep smiling x)


I am 100% down with anything goblin related.


Yay goblins! ^_^


Have to go with the goblins


Your gobbies are my favorite! They're the most adorable and sexy goblins around! I want you to make the best decision for your workflow, only you should dictate what you spend your time on. Your fans want to support you!

Joshua Wolfe

Goblins, totally goblins.


Goblins all day


Somehow you've never done femboy goblins, I just realized. Now that would be great!