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Still working on color schemes for chapter 7. From the top:

1.Part of a foliage/tree painting study I drew lil goofy Vera on to. I was checking how the more involved painting style for the BG meshes with flatly shaded characters. I am going for an old timey disney animation look.

2.Color studies of pickering. I settled for a more toned down color palette. That bright yellow/green was too eyefucking. That little diorama was a final color test for the overall look of pickering. Lots of rich green that recedes into blues as it moves away from the camera. 

3.Finalised color scheme and layout for Ailduin's tent. The entire sex scene will be lighted by sunlight diffused through sheets of beige canvas. Are you guys getting tired of that tent? Me netiher. 

4.I worked on the Ailduin's guard design for a bit.  




He is not going to need much coercing. :D

Kenneth Winkelman

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter.