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Next chapter we'll meet a new species! An all female race of horny mushroom farmers. Fun times will be had by all.

I've been trying to give them a distinct look from the Havlin.  Hence the long limbs and teeth. I am not sure yet how I'll handle the eyes. Input welcome!

For the general clothing I think I'll go with loose overalls [#4] for everyday work and something like #6 for looking cute. Mostly loose and flowing fabrics.

Let me know what you think!




I like the eye option 1. The red contrasts nicely with the green. And why not make them a race of nudists lol?

Smiling Walrus

To quote a Conan Exiles comment on one of their posts here: "Embrace Goblin".


I like the first option for the eyes


I really love the looks of these! Eye option 2 (and her hair!) is cool :)


Pointy kisses!


I love how relaxed they look! Also a big fan of the happy trail lol. Keep it up! You're so creative =)


I also like option 1 for the eyes. But why not some natural variety, like among humans? The occasional bright blue eyes would be very striking. I wonder if there would be some cultural beliefs related to the different eye colors...


I like the 3 eye option, makes them seem more nocturnal like mushroom farmers.


the top of their pattern on arms and leg like a finger print? individual. Like the multi colored eyes,


I'm a fan of their bad posture in the second set: The kinda leaning forward and not presenting themselves as "Proper" or "polite" goes a long way.

Fester's Lampshade

1 or 2 for the eyes. Maybe something other than hair on their heads? Spikes or Quills?


I like the blue eyes! Yellow red in second and red in third! Also love the design! As always I love short hair too. Just some gangly arms goblins looking for fun! Also mushrooms are delicious so they have great taste lol

Ivett Opolcsik

It's good shit sir o3o I love the 3-4-5 outfits!


Interesting brown on the legs and arms, is that natural coloration or just cause they might work in the dirt a lot? Makes it seem like they sprung from the earth itself.

James Schweitzer

Getting a strong "Gremlins" vibe from the eyes, teeth and skin patterns


I love the first option for the eyes! Very striking


I like 3 for the eyes and 3/4 for clothing. Though I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of 1


...was about to ask where goblins are since I only see Gremlins. Those teeth...


tbh - if they are farmers they might have less time for grooming, culturally. so they might have inherited a lax attitude towards hair, or shorter hairstyles in general. this might have introduced dreadlocks, shaved sides with top knots, other ways to keep it out of the way during their labor intense activities.


I also really like three for the eyes


My girlfriend likes option 1 for the eyes- says the the yellow kinda helps mesh between the red of their red sclera and green skin. She also remarked that if they are going to be farmers, outfits 2, 4+5 would probably be best.


So it sounds like I'm joking and... Yeah, okay. Kinda. But give em' the Riddick style eyeshine. See also the glint that animals get you shine a flashlight on them. I figure they probably work in the dark a bunch if they're growing mushrooms. But, yeah, I like them! They're pretty good goblins, and I'm always a fan of more extreme body proportions for non-humans.

Dan Curtis

I'm between 1 and 3 for the eyes. I wouldn't be disappointed by either.


I really like #3. It gives kind of an amphibian vibe, which I think works well the idea that these ladies are mushroom farmers. Something about muck and anaerobic processes that you’d find in a swampy environment.


I like number 5 for the clothes but 2 is acceptable. I feel like having sleeves getting dirty all the time would be a hindrance. Perhaps their leaders who don't do the work would use the wearing of sleeves to indicate a higher class. For the eyes, 3 is the best but I could handle 1.


I love these girls they look so cool! 4 for work clothes for sure but I love 2 the most


I really like 2, 4, and 5. Seems like adventuring, commerce, and lounging respectively. The first set of eyes is the real win.


I like 2 and 5 though 3 and 4 are ok. I concur Doobh comment with having this eyeshine on eyes.

Stephen Wells

I think you should use all the eye colours for different individuals. All good.

Chris Crowther

I can see Alfie is going to have fun at some point.


Outfit 6 is a bit too modern fetishy in my opinion. All the others are very viable, though drop-sleeves is probably not the choice for the actual farmers. The gibbos are super cute, you should use all the eye variations. Everyone else has multiple eye colors, why not these folk?


I'm just going to critique the actual physical design. FIrst off, looks great, didn't give me Havlin vibes at all. As a fan of feet I can't really dig the design of the feet, but I understand the decision to try something different. I would like to see some humanoid toes. The ear situation is awesome, though I would suggest raising them up a bit. Hard for me to get past the top of the ear seeming to be below the eyeline. (This might be a nitpick on your drafts and if so I apologize.) Everything else seems great to me, I think the shorter torso is appropriate and really gives the arms an interesting look. P.S. Man there are so many interesting types of fungi you could use to draw inspiration for the hair, coloration, and textures. Don't sleep on that. I know they aren't fungi themselves, but there is a lot of inspiration there.


P.S.S Awesome overall designs, I really love your work. Beyond the lewd stuff, just the way that you line and color really pleases my eyes. Your designs are uniquely inspired and the way you maintain the emotion in each of them is admirable. Special mention to your background work which has also been excellent and improved steadily. I know you receive a lot of appreciation, but I wanted to take this moment to give a bit more. As an artist who has fallen out of love with the craft, your work gives me hope that I may find my passion for it again. I am a fan of your work, regardless of whatever form it may take, and I hope to one day work with you in some capacity. 1000 blessings to you and yours.

Michael Butchin

Actually, I like all the eyes, for variety. After all, humans have more than one eye color, don't we. That the eyes can be "disturbing," I think is a plus. Makes the goblins look quiet alien.

Jimithey Nolan

With the long limbs and feet I get frog like vibes. Which is not bad, certainly a new take on goblins.


Personal preference for black shorts, sleevless full top and short cut hair. Perhaps multi colored eyes as a unique genetic mutation?

Meta Sol

Horny mushroom farmers? InCase, have you been watching Disenchantment?


Probably just the furry in me, but I really love the cloven hoof look. The large fangs, long limbs and low slung ears I also dig. Would definitely favor them all having different colors and patterns for eyes, though I know that might be a bit labor intensive. You make the most wholesome lewd comics full of feels, emotional and moral internal conflicts, yet still very playful and childlike in tone. Love it. ;)


These look great. If you want to give them distinct eyes, maybe multiple cornea?


all of them so cool except number 3 & 4


havlins are cute etc. and the snakes were sexy but the goats and these are not. im finding it hard to think they can be self-sustaining as a story one wants to see over and over, but toeach thier own. as a backdrop race ya see around, sure, even fucking them once in a while, but i dont see them as the primary race for a story, lol.


all hail; snakes and lydia

Shawn K. Younkin

I am loving this design!! Definitely different from the havlins. Can't wait tom see them in the book!


Love that design, especially the teeth! The red eye version looks rad, but the others are great as well. Awesome work as always!

Joshua Wolfe

I like the eyes of the second one. They are a nice blend of cat and humanoid eyes. The first one seems too bestial and the last one seems too ordinary. Catlike eyes is a nice look for tricksy goblins. Being a mixed up race, all sorts of eye colors would be neat. Outfit 4 is really adorable. The loose barmaid top with apron looks nice. If they wear loose flowing fabrics casually, what about clothes like a halter top, criss cross top, a sarong, or belly dancer skirt? Loose clothes that drape the body and show off plenty of skin.

D. Alfonso

He said they’re for the last chapter of the story, so I don’t think you need to worry about that.


I really like 6 and 5. And I am happy to see this new race. Maybe in a threeway with Vera. :D


I don't feel as helpful since I got nothing to critique, I love them. I like all the designs of clothing, especially 2, 4, and 6. For the eyes I'm again in favour of using all of them. Since it's an entire race (that I know nothing about), individual colour variance is just a neat detail to use for association, and conveying some superficial assumptions of personality through visuals.


Regarding face, i like 2, because it looks like she already have some sort of makeup. Face number 1 looks too human, and face 3 looks too.. goblin, and distinct to other species. Regarding clothes, i personally like #2 and #5


They remind me more of the "don't feed after midnight" Gremlins than Goblins, but I'm interested to see where you go with it.


Number 2 and 4 clothes wise make sense, eyes on the first girl work best too.

Sir Kev The Perv

Any chance of the puazi being incorporated into the alfie story?


Doubt it, theyre more of a modern scifi setting kind of thing. I do want to see more of them but idk about the crossover.


Ooof, those are some machinegun nips! Gotta admit, sneks were the hottest people in this comic


I'm getting a serious Gremlins vibe from these ladies, less so from the blue-eyed one. I adored your previous incarnations of gobbos, but understand they could come off as green havlin. I think the feet are cool, but just imagined that they could be zygodactyl (like a nuthatch or an owl) for scurrying up and down the giant mushrooms they cultivate.

Garrick Smalley

For some reason I like the plain Blue eyes. Clothing 4&6 are good.


I absolutely love them!


I'd go for even bigger ears.


What about hats? Mushroom hats? ...mushrooms growing out of their hair sometimes?


Hi Incase I really love your work and I'm glad to be a Patreon, I do have one question though will you ever continue "the invitation" it's one of my favorite work's you've done since Alfie and was how I got to know your work, it's such a beautiful erotic eldritch tale that I would to see continued anyway that's I have let me know your response, keep up the good work thanks. 😘💕


I love the goblin designs they're officially my new favorite characters, they seem to have such high sprits and a zest for life I look forward to seeing more of them.❤❤❤😍