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Instead of thunderdomes I'll just do 5$ black and white request lotteries. Maybe have more winners, but simplier style? I'll experiment a bit. 15$ request lotteries work fine so I won't change them.  

The thunderdome format is fun BUT pretty much only the requests posted on the first day have any chance of winning. I tried fixing it by doing a secondary vote to even the playing field a bit, but it was still mostly first day entries.

I'll keep thinking about the ways to reward 5$ pledges, aside from the high res pics. Maybe doing something like what Calm is doing and letting you vote on what rough sketch I finish?

Just a heads up so you can adjust your pledges. 



Some ideas, just my 2 cents : Old works (outside Patreon) in HD, and/or exclusive content, thunderdomes with themes, and no winner because you just draw the best idea for you.


Like teto said, i'd love to see older works, maybe a monthly zip file with 5 -6 older works can help bulk up rewards orrrr maybe lower rez PSD's? orrrr sketch bundles? In the end it's up to you what you feel like sharing thru here =3

Fenoxo Fenfen

If you would like to do it fairly, you should have two or three days for people to enter the request lottery, then shuffle the entries and post them for voting a few days later.


I don't like the no-color part of the 3 random choices, but I like everything else about it, and your reasoning is sound.