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I took in too much work and I have to cut back on something. Starting next month I’ll be doing the coloring vote pictures in a simplier coloring style. I wrote a long post explaining my reasoning on my tumblr. http://incaseart.tumblr.com/post/116042355600/changes-to-the-patreon I am sorry to be doing this, but I really don't have any other option.



Ha ha no problem. You should think about streaming though. Even if you lower the quality of the stream to not tax your computer. Regardless, love u


I didn't choose to support an artist here on patreon to dictate the direction the art takes. I think it is awesome you want to try different styles and subjects. I support this, and would read your non-porn stuff too. Art is ever evolving. Explore. Makes some more awesome stuff. Just let me see the awesome stuff. :)


Thanks to keep us informed, InCase. And it is completely normal that sometimes you need to adjust your work schedule. Learn and prosper and do all the changes that are necessary. I prefere to see less of your work than see none at all.


Is cool man, you draw the best smut.


Take the time you need to work how you want to work. It's always worth it. :)


No problem. I'll take what you give and still support you. Your enthusiasm is refreshing, but I'd rather have less project brought to terms than more in the middle of being finished. Have fun drawing, and we'll have fun admiring ^^

Merle Blue

You can only manage what you can manage!


I love honestly love the "simplified" coloring style. It's hot as hell.


This won't change my support for you and your fantastic work.


I just returned to be a patron after some absence (life can be a bitch sometime and I also had to cut back) and I found so much great material! I find the new coloring style pretty nice, not to mention, in my case, a good inspiration for experiment and trying to learn something new. I think that all the people who follow you here have lots of faith in your amazing work so please take your time and work at the pace you feel the best!