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I overworked myself the last couple of weeks, so I'll be taking a short break. There will be no vote/idea polls this week. I am pushing everything back a bit. I will most definitely work on that Spirit Gangbang JoH image, but that's it for this week.

Now, on to the hand update:

Last month I've gone to my Ortho again and I have some developments about my thumb and wrist:

Thumb: Weird sprain that is just not healing all the way. I've gotten an injection of drugs into the joint [fun times] last month, and was supposed to wait and see if it fixes it. The thumb is way better than before, but it still feels damaged. I may need a procedure done on it soon. Which will take me out for 3-4 weeks.

Wrist: Might be a cyst in my wrist, might be nothing. Right now I am supposed to pay attention to how and when it hurts to determine the way forwards. I may need to have a surgery to remove the cyst, but who knows. My pain symptoms are not consistent with the location of the cyst so it might just be RSI.

It's all very frustrating. I want to get back to Alfie, but not before I am certain of the future. Right now my hand is better than it has been in the last 6 months, but still bad enough that it's all up in the air.

I am supposed to report back to my ortho with my hand observation results in two weeks. After that it's either some minor surgeries or more waiting? I'll keep you guys posted.



Just take a complete break from drawing and animation. Take time to heal. It will be fine!


Take your time! Your art has inspired and encouraged me so much and that won't change no matter what you decide to do. I've been a quiet enjoyer but I've been reading Alfie for years. I've struggled with myself a lot, my confidence and sexdrive were so low I thought they didn't even exist, this made me feel like I wasn't a girl at all, it was so painful. After working up a lot of courage I decided to work on myself and do whatever I could to become the woman I wanted to be. Discovering Alfie (and all your other work) along the way was fantastic, it was so beautiful, I couldn't stop reading it, it got me hot (at that time a wonderful new feeling) and I couldn't help but feel so empowered and encouraged to express myself. To put myself out there. To not be afraid to try and stumble and fail. I've come so far in my journey, and even though I had some very dark times and I still struggle, I'm so happy and proud of all the hurdles I've cleared. Thank you so much, thank you for your art and thank you for sharing it, I've barely ever seen such deep, well written and fantastically designed characters. Your artstyle is gorgeous, the subtle lines and wrinkles on the faces and how honest you draw such a variety of bodytypes make the characters so human and real, it makes me proud of my own body instead of glorifying something unrealistic. Be well and heal well!


Take care of yourself and be well. Thank you for all of your hard work. No need to worry and push yourself because you've already got us here :)

Lee Thompson

I know others have said this but I will anyway, take your time and let things heal.