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Journals of the Hunter poll #4 :: MILFHunter edition ::

  • A) [Spider woman] 137
  • B) [Cursed mirror double] 128
  • C) [Goblin gangbang] 252
  • D) [Ghost fuck] 30
  • E) [Vampire femboy] 258
  • F) [Werewolf taming] 166
  • G) [Mr Hyde] 54
  • H) [Troll fuck] 168
  • I) [Cthulu monsters] 117
  • J) [Cursed statue] 113
  • 2024-05-26
  • —2024-06-01
  • 1423 votes
{'title': 'Journals of the Hunter poll #4 :: MILFHunter edition ::', 'choices': [{'text': 'A) [Spider woman]', 'votes': 137}, {'text': 'B) [Cursed mirror double]', 'votes': 128}, {'text': 'C) [Goblin gangbang]', 'votes': 252}, {'text': 'D) [Ghost fuck]', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'E) [Vampire femboy]', 'votes': 258}, {'text': 'F) [Werewolf taming]', 'votes': 166}, {'text': 'G) [Mr Hyde]', 'votes': 54}, {'text': 'H) [Troll fuck]', 'votes': 168}, {'text': 'I) [Cthulu monsters]', 'votes': 117}, {'text': 'J) [Cursed statue]', 'votes': 113}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 1, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 26, 10, 5, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1423}


This week, you'll be deciding on what happens to this lady, in her page of JoH:

You can read Journals of the Hunter here.

I edited some of these ideas for clarity, and in one case to remove a reference to a specific character I drew before. I liked the idea but the crossover would make no sense:

A) Goes exploring a cave that villagers say is cursed by something that eats people. Finds that it is in fact a rather horny spider woman and she eats the MILFHunter out. [SpaceWeaver]

B) Not to be outdone, the Milfhunter tries her hand at neutralising one of the agency's most infamous curios, a haunted mirror. Taking a page from the younger huntress, the milf's method of neutralising is to satisfy the twisted and well-hung mirror self the mirror produces. [Garth Hillsborough]

C) [Orgy w/ multiple short kings and shortstacks] Contrary to popular belief subduing a goblin camp is not as harrowing as it seems. They're effectively a pack of horny teens. Approach offering strong drink and you're welcome to join in. Then it's a matter stamina. Be the last standing in their "festivities" and you're in charge for the day. Such a free spirited people. [shadowscribble]

D) The ghost of a noble is haunting their home, making it impossible for the inheritors to move in. The hunter winds up having to fuck them into satisfaction for the spirit to move on. [Tannerbot]

E) Milfhunter seeks the aid of a rich young lord, who so happens to be a beautiful and hung vampire femboy. For his aid in funding new techniques, and to keep his secret, they find an arrangement, exploring each other's sexual limits. [Trae Sprowles]

F) Milfhunter vs Werewolf, while planning she encounters a newly turned werewolf, after noticing no killing intent but arousal from it, Milfhunter tames it as her permanent pet, werewolf accepts eagerly [Oscar Cruz]

G) MILFhunter tries to satisfy the insatiable lust of the notorious Mr. Hyde in an attempt to see if these new methods can cleanse him from the good Doctor. [Escafreya]

H) The MILFHuntress hunts down a troll. The doofy, lovable one, probably finding it under a bridge or something. She bites off more than she can chew, however, and the massive thing manhandles her, breeding with her until his huge balls are finally empty. [OrcChamp]

I) A cult of other tentacled Cathulu like monsters have taken over a fishing village and the MLFHuntress is sent to investigate. Almost succumbing to there Psychic. Power's she begrudgingly uses the new methods that succeed to her surprise and pleasure [starkiller]

J) The MILF Hunter tries the new technique on a tricky museum find. It's a haunted/cursed statue of a fertility god, damaged but having repaired itself with bits of other priceless artifacts (think Venus de Milo or Winged Victory but frankensteined with arms and a cock n balls). It's been sealed instead of destroyed due to the price of the art involved, but perhaps fulfilling its desires might do the trick. [Coth]

This poll will end on the 2nd of June 

Multiple choice enabled [If it doesn't work on mobile, try it on desktop]


Quinn McCoy

These all look like so much fun


Damn, i was hoping the mirror would get a better showing


Sounds like the most creatively named horse race. "We have Goblin Gangbang and Vampire Femboy neck and neck coming out of the third turn!"


I hope we somehow get both eventually. There might be mass public unrest otherwise.