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This week, you'll get an opportunity to submit your ideas for what to do with this lady, codename MILFHunter:

She is another hunter employed by the Agency. She was tasked with delivering our Huntress to the Ruthledge manor. She appeared in part 12. She likes boners. That's all I really know about her.

You can read the whole series on my website

This week you can submit your ideas for how MILFHunter's page is going to be about. Your ideas have to conform to the rules listed below, as well as fit within the following scenario:

After the Hunter and the Doll deal with the Ruthledge manor [spoliers lol] the Agency and other hunters are shocked. Nobody expected that crazy woman to actually succeed.

Perhaps there is something to these... New methods?

The MILFHunter, not to be outdone by some young upstart decides to do her own research into the new methodology...

TL;DR: The MILFHunter is gonna get it on with some sort of a creature. It's up to you to decide what it's gonna be!

The Hunter and the Doll can be featured in the idea, but they can't be the main characters.

Other ground rules. Don't follow any one of them and your idea is out.

1.Keep your ideas short. 75 words or less.

2.Onle one idea per patron. If you write out multiple ones you're out.

3.Sexual partner/partners have to be at least somewhat humanoid. So Werewolf yes, Wolf no.

4.Keep it consensual on both sides. And no gore/death

5.The monster and the scenario has to at least somewhat fit in victorian england'esque setting.

If you want to express that you like another patron's idea and want to see it in the poll, like it or comment on it. I'll take that into account when picking which idea goes up to a proper vote.

This post will be closed on may 26th 12:00 [gmt+1]. After that I'll pick 10 most fitting/most popular ideas and put them up to a poll.



Connor Wagner

Milfhunter decides to try the Huntress’s methods to deal with a rival of hers, a bratty necromancer boy who’s in the process of trying to become a lich, and who is protected by a group of undead minions at all times(zombies, vampires, take your pick). She allows herself to be on the receiving end of a gangbang from all involved, while still managing to power bottom the necromancer boy the entire time, and absorbs all the necromantic energy, preventing the ritual from succeeding.

Grendel's Stepmother

Milfhunter is actually secretly corrupted, and jealous of the other hunter’s success. Also, she wants the mansion as a base for her own horde of monstrous minions. She tries to convince the hunter and Dolly to join her by showing them they can have lots more fun with her. To do that, she has them watch her in an orgy with a humanoid form of the Loch Ness monster, and a school of selkies.