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Journals of the Hunter poll #1

  • A) Mind Flayer 246
  • B) Slime Girl 397
  • C) Frankenstein's monster 112
  • D) Grim Reaper 110
  • E) Living Drawing 332
  • F) Haunted Chair 191
  • G) Dullahan 222
  • H) Demonic Possession 161
  • I) Invisible Man 138
  • J) Horny Doppelganger 378
  • 2024-04-14
  • —2024-04-21
  • 2287 votes
{'title': 'Journals of the Hunter poll #1 ', 'choices': [{'text': 'A) Mind Flayer', 'votes': 246}, {'text': 'B) Slime Girl', 'votes': 397}, {'text': "C) Frankenstein's monster", 'votes': 112}, {'text': 'D) Grim Reaper', 'votes': 110}, {'text': 'E) Living Drawing', 'votes': 332}, {'text': 'F) Haunted Chair', 'votes': 191}, {'text': 'G) Dullahan', 'votes': 222}, {'text': 'H) Demonic Possession', 'votes': 161}, {'text': 'I) Invisible Man', 'votes': 138}, {'text': 'J) Horny Doppelganger', 'votes': 378}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 21, 11, 3, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 14, 10, 57, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 2287}


As promised, here's the poll for the next(ish) installment of "Journals of the Hunter".

Thank you all very much for writing out the ideas! It was much tougher than I anticipated to narrow it down. It mostly came down to whether the monster fits within victorian England and if I can think of a way to fit it within the narrative of the story so far, however lose it is.

There were some pretty cool ideas that would require international travel, that I decided against. I am thinking travel arc is in the cards at some point.

I also rejected any idea that specifically mentioned dickgirls. That's just unfair. It would win 100%. Next one of those we'll make lady with dick themed to compensate.

Here's the options. Patrons who wrote it are in [brackets]. I edited some of these for clarity. In cases where gender of the monster was uncertain I just picked one.

A) Mind flayer/similar non copyrighted octopus headed guy. Consentacles are always hot. [Francesco Villani]

B) The Hunter discovers a starving slime girl that only feeds on sexual fluids and intestinal mucus. She won’t let her die of hunger, right? [Jon F]

C) Maybe Frankenstein's monster? The stiches and skin patches would look cool imo [Jal]

D) Maybe a grim reaper/pale horseman/apokalypse horseman? She would save the day by making a "deal" with him to spare some people ? [Tarmie]

E) Living Shadow or Drawing, like a sexy woman that lives on walls or in books that ends up covering her body like a tattoo and fingering and fondling her, or dicking her down under her clothes. [Coth]

F) Chair haunted by a (corrupted? vengeful?) dryad that molests people who sit in it. Hunter draws out it its humanoid spirit to see if she can satiate it. [Sengachi]

G) A Dullahan searching for her head; frightening to local townsfolk, but ultimately friendly and willing to reward anybody who can find it [Rosie]

H) I'd love to see something revolving around possessions, whether it be ghost or daemonic possessions of the Hunter, or someone else she needs to rescue. I could think that she has to excise a spirit from a house, and to do that, she needs to allow it to feel pleasure one last time. What better vessel for that task than her own! [Call Me ET]

I) An invisible trickster who she has to lure in by offering herself, and only parts of them are "visible" by either being covered in her fluids, or through the hand imprints/dents on her body where the trickster is grabbing/holding her [Dimi ✌🏼]

J) A Weird doppleganger who doesn't get you quite right, so it looks like a exaggerated, horned-up version of you. also wants to touch every part of your body to learn more anatomy :3c [NarizRoja]

Multiple choice enabled[if it doesn't work on mobile, try it on desktop]

This vote will end on Sunday April 21st.



That doppleganger concept has some real potential, particularly for us TF fans. "It's you, but through the eyes of a curious, horny not-quite-human."


I didn't know i needed the "living drawing" theme living in my head rent free, but here we are!


This whole list is now living In my head rent free lol. So creative and I’m stoked to see all of them in the future.