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Bad news everyone! Or at least bad news for Alfie fans. Right now, with the state that my hand is in, I can't continue working on the comic. For now

Over the last week I've been using my drawing hand again and... It's been a mixed bag. I don't want to go into medical details... Because I don't know what's wrong with it. There's more diagnosin/tests to come. I've been told by my doctor to keep using my hand as much as I am comfortable so I am doing just that.

Between my hand and wrist getting tense and tired very quickly and me having to change the way I grip the stylus [I've used a dogshit spider-like deathgrip for years], I am fairly limited in what I can do. Right now I simply don't have the manual dexterity to ink, or stamina to draw comics.

That's why, over the last week, I've been putting out these illustrations in a rather simple, blocky style. That's literally the only way I can create finished works right now. I do really like the end result, but it is born out of limitations I have right now.

Same reason why I won't be doing any more animations anytime soon. Can't handle using the mouse for the long periods of time.

I am getting a wrist/hand ultrasound on the 8th of april and then back to my Ortho for more diagnosin. Then probably some form of PT? Surgery? Who knows. We'll see.

I won't know for sure how's the future looking before then. I am really frustrated to have to put Alfie on an indefinite hiatus this close to the end but I literally physically can't finish it right now. Same with GrimLewd. Anything that involves inking is out of the question for now.

If I make a full recovery then this is just a small hiatus before I finish out Alfie... but I don't? The comic is definitely getting finished, don't worry about that. Even if I have to change the way it is drawn. We'll see.

I hope you guys are having a good one, and I will keep you posted on the hand business.


Toma Toshi

Get well soon. Alfie and you are now part of my life. It's been so long. Best wishes


I don't comment much, but I am today because you need to know that I have found so much happiness from the art you create and support your work regardless of the regularity in which you post. Please take care of yourself. Know that there is a big segment of us who find you to be one of the most unique and talented erotic artists and want to see you prosper and create for a long time. Much Love <3


Those images look pretty cool. Big departure from Alfie style, but if you start another work in that style, it would be pretty awesome.


I absolutely love that simple style! When your feeling better, I'd love to commission some art in said style of some of my dnd oc's!


Take care of yourself, and take as long as you need. You're loved and respected and we're with you til the end of the line. We're not going anywhere, lol. ✌️


Hey, so sorry to hear this. It must be so frustrating and worrying. Look after yourself.