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First of all, thanks to a lot of your help, I've been able to retrieve almost all of my missing simple comics. I think I'll need some time before I regroup these, upload them to other sites, and link them back to Patreon.

In fact, I was quite shocked this time when all the comics I had been drawing disappeared. I thought it was a sign of God to forget the past and start a new beginning, and I was actually getting ready to clean up Patreon.

Surprisingly, however, there were more people who had my past works than me. Some people even had cartoons about Patreon before they started. Many people sent me emails and I was very touched.

As many of my patrons know, my Patreon uploads have been low in recent years. The Patreon operation was so terrible that I couldn't get your dollars. Many personal and family circumstances bothered me, and my passion for painting was less than before.

However, with this Imgbb incident, I realized again that many people liked my work. As long as these people still remain, I also need to draw a painting that they will like, and I want to do it again.

I've said many things, but the point is that the January Patreon is free.

My Patreon automatic payment will be suspended from December 30, 2023 to January 30, 2024. Free access to my patreon next month if you are maintaining sponsorship. It's free until I make up for the insufficient number of patreon uploads like I've been doing so far.

I always use a google translator, so I don't know if my words reach you well. I hope the translator has been working properly for me. If the translator fails to translate my words properly, I will tie the translator and gag it.

There are only a few days left this year. My current area is very cold because it's winter. I hope you always have a lot of things to warm up your heart, no matter what area you live in.

Once again, thank you to the people who got my cartoons back and to the people who support me.



Sad to hear that but I/we will always support you no matter what looking forward to what you have in store for 2024


Hey thanks for the update. Did you ever upload everything again?