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Most voted characters from previous poll makes an appearance on main stage!

  • 1 Akeno
  • 2 llulu
  • 3 Astolfo
  • 4 Enterprise

Thanks to all for participating! look forward to the next poll and wips~



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Lewd Magic Show SD



Confirmed characters! Thanks for the reveal!!! I'll definitely watch it when it's available.


Hehe finally some futa on femboy. Even if it was like 3 seconds 😋

Mahmoud Hritani

I guess it would be too predictable to say that this is a GOAT OF A MASTER PIECE!! When in Reality all you do is create Master pieces, Thank you so much Nyakumi for the premium content!! 👌🤎👑💯


I mean it was really good but 4 minutes 🫠


You’re crazy astolfo absolutely ruined what could’ve been a pretty decent video.


Yeah the worst part of the video in fact the entire inclusion of that crappy trap completely ruins the video

Breezy Steel

Was only expecting there to be two winners in the poll, but I'm happy that I got to see my girl Enterprise back in action again!


Great job ruining what could’ve been a halfway decent video by including that crappy trap character from fgo. These videos should never have male characters under any circumstances whatsoever. It’s no wonder the quality of these videos have been going down hill faster and faster if this is what you’re going to do. Don’t include astolfo anymore.


You and me must’ve watched two wildly different videos. All I saw was a video get ruined by an unnecessary trap character that should’ve never been in it.


You poor thing. Im so sorry you had to see a man dick on our girl dick videos, I hope you'll be able to pull through.


Would be great to see astolfo get fucked next time

Life is Roblox

Honestly, I think Akeno has been used in a lot of animations and it would be nice to see her be replaced by yuki or yuna or something still though, great animation


If this was an opinion I would appreciate that, but unfortunately it was a solid fact. The inclusion of astolfo not only makes this video unwatchable, but makes it easily the worst video of the year. Which is saying something since it’s been a pretty rough year. He should’ve just stuck with the original two winners from the poll, and not added more. It’s so annoying and unfortunate seeing a potentially good video get ruined by this crap.


Don’t worry random condescending asshole on the internet I’ll be fine, but I’d still rather get what I pay for instead of this trash. Why don’t you go back to Twitter or Reddit and be angry about something.

Mahmoud Hritani

Well you know how it goes, to every success there is poison. Leave them be as it is meaningless to engage with such void people.


Friend, first off you pay for Nya to create content. If you don't like what your getting hop on the discord and start discussions, work to help steer the Neko team (they listen) instead of trying to crack down all red in the face like a drunken stepdad. Second, you are the one that's angry?? Nothing about your criticism was constructive.


I have been subbed to him for awhile, and that’s the problem. The older stuff is just better. Sure on a technical level he’s probably improved and that’s great, but previous videos were just better. Not to say that there aren’t any good recent videos, and by that I mean in the past year or so. It’s just the quality feels worse, which is unfortunate. I also shouldn’t have to surgically cut out the trash parts of a video that shouldn’t have them to begin with. He should’ve just made a separate video with that garbage in it, and gave everyone else the proper video without the trash trap.


Opa! great video as always


Void people? My guy you’re literally worse than a band groupie when it comes to these videos. Not every video is a “Masterpiece”. You should stop trying to suck up to the guy and actually pull your head out of your ass.

Mahmoud Hritani

Agreed! No doubt a fine Original Queen, but I too wish other characters from the Nyakumi-verse would show up as that recent poll made me remember so many characters I forgot about like Rikka (from Lewd Morning)


Go ahead and explain how my comment about me and him watching what appears to be two completely different videos is “whacko”.


Absolutely Love it I hope Enterprise will appear in more videos

Life is Roblox

You can request special animations on their discord? I just really want to see Yuki and yuna bottomed that's why I'm asking lol


Drunken stepdad? Feels like you’re projecting a bit there haha, but no I’ll post my comments where I feel is necessary. If I post on discord I’ll likely get stupider comments then yours.


It was available the whole time. I'm a little busy at the moment. I'll watch it tonight and discuss it on the server.

Mahmoud Hritani

I'm just saying what I feel as it is only natural for me (and I'm sure for all the fans) to be amazed by the spectacular effort Nyakumi and the Neko Team put in every video that comes out with a consistent pace and interval!! I have seen similar content creators that are very slow and do not do a good job but Nyakumi does the opposite fantasticaly!! And praising hard diligent dedication and effort is by all means not "sucking up". You are making sure EVERY fan are seeing your opinion when they literally don't need to nor will do anything about ot when you were supposed to talk to the creator themselves. Moreover, am quite confused on how you don't mind futa but a trap is worse to you? Your logic is lacking big time!!


I may have my personal gripes about certain characters namely miku, but generally I don’t care whois in the video. That is as long as no male characters are ever included.


More like you can talk with people and make your ideas known, if there's enough support and agreement things are bound to happen.


Why would I bother when you’ve already painted in a bad light of not liking the crappy trap. “He's jumping on anyone who approves of the video and insisting to them that it is garbage and Nya is cheap trash now lololol. Why such intense salt?!” Nice job being an ass and being wrong. Go ahead and talk to your stupid discord clique I have no interest.


My apologies I seem to have thought your head was up your ass, but it seems your head is up his ass. So far in fact that you could probably tell what they eat. No not every video that comes out is “Spectacular”. Your just crazy if you think so. Stop drinking the kool-aid my guy. My logic is sound I’d rather see a chick then a dude when it comes to this content. simple as that.


This is probably one if not the greatest magic show. Such futalicious bootylicious thicc greatness with a touch of sexy cute femboy goodness, shame we did get to see him fucked. I truly magnificent and amazing masterpiece of pure flawless perfection! Thank you so very much for all of your hard work on this gangbang orgy work of art my godly neko boss of awesomeness friend. The characters I wanted may not have won but gods damn this was still an extraordinary video. Though I do wonder if the big tiddied dragon didn't win how would the short models work? Thanks again! *yetihug* Also, To anyone that has a problem with femboys being used, You can just cancel your pledge and and find another artist that only does Futa. Most of the people here don't mind or just like femboys too. As the old saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say/type, keep it to yourself so a bunch of threats don't get started showing that you are outnumbered and are acting like an asshole.

Mahmoud Hritani

I guess it was sadly bound to happen my friend. In every fresh fruit basket, there is bound to be the rotten one to spread the toxin. But Ironicly they only appear when success is present (LOL). Same with so much media and series, anime and manga.


Love the astolfo tit fuck. Also shortstack Illulu was a nice surprise.


So all the comments you've made towards nearly every positive review aren't actually there? You aren't saying the things that you're saying? C'mon dood, grow up.

Mahmoud Hritani

Trust me, I would love to be sucked in your pigsty argument but some people have lives to go through and more meaningful people to talk to. So do excuse me for not wasting precious time and enegry on Talking Trash. Good day 😋


There was a lot of great designs and environmental play in this magical shoot. Music was fitting!!! What disturbs me more than what you all mention about Astolfo, which I voted for not knowing it was a male character, is you all's desire to look at pedo material voting for Llulu, another character I knew nothing about and didn't vote on based on the image supplied. I mean you all voted more for Llulu than for any other character on the list except Akeno!!! I would definitely prefer to see Astolfo made into a female futa character since the design is good other than the flat chestedness.


Holy hell shut up your literally on every video sucking up to him, saying they are the greatest and every video is the greatest. Your the most annoying suck up ever.


What’s worse than one suck up? Two suck ups. Get real this video isn’t good and your just trying white knight it.


And the award for most unoriginal and terrible excuse to get out of a losing argument goes to you! Congratulations.


I gotta say it was fun watching the discord get so upset over me disliking the crap trap. It’s wild how easy it was, and very nice getting so much attention haha. Hell I even got a personal message from him. I got to tell him about you and the discord mob. It was pretty fun. Though I don’t think they’ll do anything, but that’s fine. I’ll see you next video if it sucks!


Counterpoint just never any male characters ever. Like at all. Also you should have done your research if you didn’t know who the character was. So yeah that’s on you.


Magically and wonderfully done.

Breezy Steel

It just shows you how popular Akeno is if she's able to get the most votes during the poll, even though she's been in so many recent videos. If you do want to replace her, you would have to choose another popular female character we haven't seen in a long time like with Enterprise in this video, instead a nekomimi like Yuki or Yuna.


Double dong futa. Nice

Lapis Goblin

Not sure which breed of comments are more embarrassing, the astolfo hate or the ilulu support


I think this is actually my new favorite video of yours! Keep up the good work!


The astolfo hate is warranted. The crap trap had no business being in the video to begin with


Ehh, I don’t mind him. I would have preferred more enty as she’s what I was very pleasantly surprised with and what I wanted most. But tbh I don’t think any of the characters particularly deserve hate. I don’t feel like a trap is particularly out of place in a futa centric video either, both are effeminate and have big “surprises” so it’s fitting enough. But I will agree that of all the trap characters available astolfo has been over done a bit. Still a classic for a reason and it’s not all from memes.

Lapis Goblin

Hey could you maybe not use a transphobic slur to describe characters you don't like?


Trap? Yeah that’s what he is a trap. Dresses like/looks like a chick so he’s a trap. A femboy trap. He’s well known for being a trap, and unfortunately he had to show up in this video. If he was transgender then maybe your comment would work, but he’s not he’s just a feminine looking guy wearing drag. Hence a trap. Hopefully that clears things up for.

Lapis Goblin

Trap is an offensive word used to degrade trans women. Astolfo is just a femboy. Also, what do you have against femboys?


I just think that no male characters appear in any of the videos. It’d make things much simpler.


Trap was for characters in anime and video games before it was used for that. Thus his title as a well know trap sticks. As for femboys. I have no personal problem outside these videos, but inside these videos they don’t belong nor does any male character for that matter.

Lapis Goblin

Honey, trap has been used as a transphobic slur since before videogames existed.

Lapis Goblin

Anyways your opinions are trash and your language is incredibly offensive. You should probably stop embarrassing yourself

Gerhard Grobler

Creative and entertaining. Very nice animation. What we expect from you. Looking forward to the next one.


Great video. I think you should do a fan vote every year. I do wish that Zero Two had taken a part in the stage.


Great content as always Nya! Your content is, and will always be, the cream of the crop! Even if some ppl choose a poor way in how they conduct themselves. Seriously though, we get you don't like certain things, but just say it doesn't align with your tastes instead of going off like that.


Great video! Don't let the weirdos who're complaining and trying to jump to conclusions get you down!


And you clearly can't read and love to troll. So save yourself so money and the rest of us a headache by just shut your retarded dumbass mouth and leave. No one wants to hear your bullshit and quite frankly if you keep this up either Nyakumi will kick you out or the rest of us will ask for video we know you will hate just to get you to leave. You aren't in the right here. Your opinion isn't going to change a damn thing when you bitch and complain. And most of all no one cares about your opinion or in general you. So go ahead and reply with some pitiful insults trying your hardest to try and prove your opinion matters. It doesn't and I need the laugh because your reactions are hilarious.


great vid nuff said


Great video! Smoking on that 100clouds pack 🚬🚬🚬

鲲 狼



I really hope that opening scene becomes bonus content cuz God dayumm

عبدالرحمن دحمسي

I have a new character, which is from the anime One Piece Nami. Make her sober, with big breasts and a big ass, and I hope you like my suggestion.

Dr. Bennet

All your animations make me go goofy, but this one in particular makes me EXTRA goofy. I hope there’s more magic shows in the future. Nice job!


Hope when the 6.2 master list comes out that the bonus animation is what misaki was doing with zero two and makima


Lol I love the show, all the hate on astolfo lol you guys voted for him, anyways I'm not that much into femboy so I just picture astolfo in this universe as a petite muscular futa. That's all lol easy enough when everyone out here is a futa or female.


Want to more Makima....


Love it! You are so creative with your animations. I especially love how lighthearted and fun the whole thing is.


I like the animation even though of the winners i only voted for Enterprise. I think Akeno deserves a lengthy rest now


Lewd Game 4 when? I miss my girl zero two and Aqua


Was hoping to see it happen when it zooped in when he got stuck in the box


Not really brain dead. Your argument holds no water. A person should be able to vote based on the information supplied by the artist. Not spend time searching the internet. Especially since an artist has the ability to make their own creations and interpretations. I notice that in your comments on other posts you say nothing about the pedo material in this video. All because something is supposed to be a made up age does not defy the shape, size and facial conveyance. Putting more curves on an underage body does not change the fact that its targeted at a specific age range.

Magara Faraón

¡Hi! I have a problem with the video


Enterprise's back 🙏


Great one!. really loved that astolfo got to take a bit would love to see more of that


Great video 10 out of 10


Ufff ese astolfo


Very good~


Worth the wait for sure. Can't wait to see what you cook up next.


Man se que no hablas español pero en serio tus videos son muy buenos, las expresiones los movimientos incluso cada personaje tiene personalidad solo quería apoyarte y decirte que sigas así! :3


Really damn hope we see a future video of Astolfo getting fucked. Ngl. Seeing him give a slight blowjob lit up that idea in my brain XD


What’s the song?


this is honestly amazing!! i love the facial expressions so much, its just genuinely fun to watch!! the character designs are amazing too! :D


I subscribed specifically for this!!! I'd love to see more lewd magic tricks!!!!

