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Okay guys its here! =D VR_Ferals version 0.13. Have fun testing and thank you all for your support! =3

VR_Ferals: v0.13: >>>[Mirror1]
You can also find the download link on the main page.

Patchnotes VR_Ferals v0.13

  • Added posing for rigged models. It is recommended to use the pose feature in normal mode.
  • Changed rotator gizmo color to teal
  • Pose mode is available for the Male/Female Raptor, Great Jaggi and the Male/Female dragon( No Felkin yet :( )
  • Added the Bone info control UI
  • Added a interactive reticle to VR_Ferals
  • Added colliders to every Menu to improve selection precision of the menu in VR mode
  • Added a distance check for the reticle
  • Added the female Felkin. Thanks dog-bone!!! (No textures and no Rig for now.)
  • Added the “Great Jaggi” custom edit model
  • Added Vive support thanks to a tester (But disabled it again. Since i dont have a HTC vive. I will only make it available for my patrons if they ask and can test it.)
  • Increased texture and material quality of the Great Jaggi custom edit
  • Increased the quality of the penis mesh of the Great Jaggi custom edit
  • Improved quality of the Great Jaggi mesh
  • Improved the Great Jaggi rig( Added tongue, ridge, belly and pubis bones)
  • Improved the overall lighting and performance
  • Added a base texture for the female dragon
  • Added local and global bone transform control
  • Added a slider to scale the models in the galleries edit pivot menu
  • Added buttons for additive model swapping in the gallery
  • Added button to hide the turn table socket/scene
  • Added a button show the pivot info screen
  • Added a button to edit the transform of the current selected model
  • Added an info window to show the position and rotation of the current model pivot
  • Added an info window to edit the position, rotation and scale of the current model
  • Added “Custom Models” for imported models in the gallery
  • Fixed a bug with an appearing arrows while using the position tracking of the oculus Rift
  • Added “Show Bones” in the Pose menu
  • Added BoneGizmos for normal, hovered and selected bones
  • Added a Rig for the Male and Female Dragon
  • Fixed some scale issues with the UI Canvas in the gallery
  • Fixed the position of the UI Canvas in the gallery
  • Fixed some issues with model selections
  • Fixed some issues with the one raptor in the gallery with interactive tail
  • Fixed some bugs that break the UI in the Gallery

Known Issues:

  • In VR Mode: To pose you need to move your head AND you mouse while left mouse button is clicked. This will be fixed soon!
  • It is not possible to save the poses yet.
  • It is not possible to click on the rotation gizmos for posing yet.
  • Sometimes the ORift is not working. Restarting the oculus runtime will fix this in most cases.
  • In some cases the user interface in the gallery is not working. Restarting the oculus runtime will fix this in most cases.
  • In some cases the cursor in the gallery is displaced. Reorientating the Rift on load will fix this in most cases. You can still use the keyboard to navigate in the gallery.
  • Toy physics are ridiculously bugged since they are forced to a fixed position.
  • It is currently possible to select bones through the Bone Info UI.
  • In some cases the “Draw Bones” button in pose mode displays a wrong state.




i am disappointed in the crater of this game he is not living up to his promos for the game the download dos not exist and dos not seam to be interested in hes creation do to no updates for a bout a year. and seams to me hes tacking the money from hes partners thank god i did not be com a partner on this venture.


I downloaded the current version and while it is nice, there is one suggestion I can make to make it a little better. Controls aren't very intuitive and takes a lot of experimenting to figure things out. Due to this, perhaps adding an instructions guide would be helpful for future users.