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FeralIsland_v0.15.200 was added to the nightly_builds folder. You can download it instantly with the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link

NPCs now mount players!!! Players can attract NPC creatures by raising a tail to let them mount them. Be careful who you attract with your lifted tail! ;>

- The way excitement grows and degrades was overhauled. Start a new island game to play with the new system. When a player attracts other NPCs the players excitement grows. When the player is mounted the excitement grows even more. Also the manual excitement growth(Right clicking) was reduced because there are now other sources to get the bar to 100%.


- The excitement UI color gradient is now white at 0% and transitions to pink and dark red at 100%. 

- Removed the exit time requirement when NPCs attempt to mount the player. NPCs mount the player quicker if in mounting range.


- Fixed a bug in which the excitement bar was displaced and not visible on the island UI. 

- Fixed a bug in which attracted NPCs would be stuck in a loop and run in cycles if they do not find the player. Poor floofers!



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