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What is VR_Ferals?

VR_Ferals is an adult-themed fully interactive virtual reality simulation, that uses most modern virtual reality devices (but can be also used without VR device).It will be possible to pose your models and to re-arrange parts of the 3d environment and build-in 3D-assets, create animations and customize your 3d models. VR_Ferals also uses physics for limb simulation and will use this physics engine for particles in a later state.


Because Ferals in sexy dresses are awesome. Seriously if you ask this question i guess this page is nothing for you!

Who are you?

I know the furry fandom since early 00s formerly known as gitarrendrache and a big fan of the artistic stuff that is going on in this community. ;D Im working with VR technology since 2012, before that i created apps and tools for Unity3D for many years.

Why should i become a patron?

Im currently working complete solo and in my free time on this project. The problem here is that in most cases every ferals uses a complete different morphology so keep in mind that creating new ferals can take some time.Of course it would be awesome to work on this project full-time but in the current state this is sadly not possible so this Patreon campaign can be a real game-changer for me. There will be irregular uploads of new builds for VR_Ferals on my FA, inkbunny and sofurry profile. And if you really like to be part of one of the worlds first feral themed adult VR experiences this is the right project for you. =3

Which fetishes will be included in VR_Ferals?

User based content is awesome and i really like the idea to let the users upload preset poses and animations. Even if im not a fan of all the weird fetishes in the world i want to give the users as much freedom as possible. For example letting the users pick the size of the feral will make the macro fans happy. Modeling and rigging the mouth and throat down to the stomach will make the vore fans happy. This also includes an option for the particle color and viscosity, without turning VR_Ferals in a main-themed scat simulator of course. But i guess you get the idea! ;)

Why are you creating VR_Ferals?

Well, mainly to improve my programming and 3d modeling skills. I love this stuff very much and with the hype of VR technology i felt that there was a gap in feral- and furry-themed adult stuff. ;3 And I also want to give something back to this awesome community. =D

What are you currently working on?

Im currently working on the UI so you guys can putt all the lewd dresses on your favorite ferals. ;3 It will be possible to switch and combine different dresses in body slots. For example a collar can be combined with stockings. I also think it would be nice for some items to be in the same body slot as dressing variations. Attaching those items to certain rig bones is also possible but still wip. Some of those features will also be included in VR_Ferals v0.12 .

What is planned for the near future?

Current focus is on finishing the Raptor in the main gallery of VR_Ferals. This includes improving skinning, model parts., textures and of course procedural animations. This also includudes the programming of some main features for other ferals as well. For example particle effects and a interactive pose option which also leads to a loading and save function. Im also working on improving the current state of the body physics.

What is planned in the mid future?

- Support of all kind of VR devices like Samsung Gear, Oculus Rift, HTC VIVE and OS systems, including Android, Linux and MAC.

- More Ferals. =D After finnishing the raptor i will keep working on the male/female dragon and other top secret ferals. ;3

- Anthros. Yes. There will be anthros as well. A Raptor anthro is already wip

- Body morphers. This is also planned for the custom character editor.

What is planned in the long run?

Well it would be wrong to be to specific at this point. Since im working mostly on and off on this project. But some stuff that i would really like to do is a multiplayer mode and a chat client or maybe an overlay interface for face rig. This would be pretty cool. =D

Can I rip your models and use them?

You can freely use and modify them. But keep in mind to put an info forhe model about the source if you plan to release them. This should include at least the link to my FA profile. The only thing that i will not accept is reselling one of my models.

Okay guys. Thats all for now.

Btw you guys are awesome! =D


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