Nightly_ Build Patchnotes: FeralIsland_v0.15.171 (Patreon)
FeralIsland_v0.15.171 where added to the nightly_builds folder. You can download it instantly with the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link
Finished integrating the dynamic pen* system to FeralIsland. You can check it out in the gallery. This system works in VR & normal mode.
Special credit to raliv for creating this awesome shader!
- Added a new animation state to NPCs. There is now a 10% chance for NPCs to lay down.
- Changed the timer until NPCs start to roam around to 0. They will now instantly start to walk when the island is loaded. Before this change, they where 'moon-walking' for a couple of seconds.
- Changed the icons of the heart to -> Blue Spyglass = explore, Yellow Exclamation Mark = mountable, Red Pulsating Heart = mating.
- Fixed a bug which prevented mounted NPCs from moving again.
- Fixed a bug which rotated the NPCs randomly after being mounted.